iClick2Learn wins Outstanding Employer of Choice Award
iClick2Learn team are excited to receive recognition for their team culture.
Authored by: iClick2Learn Team
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– Hi, I’m Lisa. And on behalf of iClick2Learn, I’d like to accept this award for outstanding employer of choice 2021. It feels good to have our hard work acknowledged but mostly it’s the hard work of Natalie and Glenn who co-founded iClick2Learn. They built a company designed to give back and not just give back to the community but give back to the employees.
iClick2Learn is built on three core values that are underpin everything. One, we share knowledge. Two, we deliver value. Three, we create impact. Now this is great, going outwards, going out to those who we help that we are sharing knowledge about governance, that we’re sharing knowledge to help them build their community groups. And we deliver value. Well, that’s great because everybody needs good value, everyone loves a bargain. And we create an impact. We actually change things. We make things better for others. Well, that’s all great going outwards, but coming inwards that’s hard. Sharing knowledge, having a culture where things are open where we help one another, where if one person doesn’t know something it’s entirely appropriate and expected that you’d raise your hand and say, I don’t, know. I need help. We deliver value. Well, we value others. We value each other. We see our diversity and our difference, as a bonus, as a new perspective on life our way to help us be better, be stronger.
We are a team first and a company second. Our culture is one of sharing of not sitting on secrets or when we are struggling. We don’t keep that quiet. We tell each other, we say, this isn’t working for me. I can’t meet this deadline. And what comes back isn’t well, you should. What’s wrong with you? What comes back is, okay, this is our problem. How are we going to solve it? We are a team first and value one another. We value our diversity. We value different ways of seeing different perspectives. And so when we have a meeting and two people disagree, that’s good. And we disagree respectfully because we’re expected to be different. And when Natalie or Glenn have an idea and the team doesn’t like it, we’re free to say so. It’s a unique culture that we have and it’s one that I value tremendously. It creates an impact on us. It has changed the way that we work. We are happy employees and we have ownership over the whole business.
We want to see, iClick2Learn thrive because it’s ours, we’ve put our whole emotional being into it. And we want to see Natalie and Glenn succeed because they’ve invested in our success. So, thank you for acknowledging our wonderful culture. It is with great pleasure. I accept this award and say, thank you very much for everybody who contributed.
In the world of virtual awards and COVID, team member Lisa Griffiths recorded this acceptance speech after being told iClick2Learn was awarded the Rhino Award for Outstanding Employer of Choice 2021. The Rhino Awards event was held on 4th February 2022.
Healthy team culture makes people happier and its good business practice!
A happy team is a happy and productive workplace. This was the driver for founders, Natalie Bramble and Glen Dunkley to create a team culture. A culture that brought out the best in people, worked to their strengths and provided a healthy, safe environment that encouraged critical thinking and diversity.
With Natalie’s understanding and expertise in governance, organisational systems, agile workplaces, and social enterprises, she developed an organisational governance model with sociocracy with working circles at its core. Sociocracy is a system that’s designed to create psychologically safe environments and effective organisational results. It’s designed around working teams with agreed objectives and make decisions on the areas that affect them in their role.
iClick2Learn has been using this system successfully since 2018, learning what works and improving along the way.
In 2020, a number of improvements were implemented. Team member, Lisa Griffiths, developed and managed one of these projects. Leading the team, Lisa articulated the teams’ culture into a documented wellbeing strategy, together with a video induction for new team members.
“It’s a unique culture we have, and I value it tremendously,” said Lisa “It creates an impact on us, it has changed the way that we work, we are happy employees, and we have ownership over the whole business. We want to see iClick2Learn thrive because it’s ours.”
One of the key secrets to success Natalie shared is that it’s not enough to develop a framework. You need to engineer these opportunities to give everyone the time and space needed to cultivate emotional intelligence, critical thinking and robust decision making.
One example of this in practice is the weekly Mad, Sad and Glad meetings. Founded on the principle that people share things with the best intention, this meeting encourages people to express what’s not working for them (mad), what’s annoying them (sad) and what they’re happy about (glad).
Natalie said these meetings help build understanding, empathy, and a strong ‘we’re in it together’ team culture. “It’s also a chance for everyone to address the little things that can sometimes get so annoying that it negatively affects how you feel about your work. Because our actions prove we take these things seriously and do something about the issues, everyone’s more willing to share and be truthful about their experiences and issues.”
“It’s a very different environment for our team members, we find it takes a while for new people to understand that we authentically embrace this culture. It often takes a while for them to feel safe to challenge ideas and the status quo. Once they realise it’s not lip service, they embrace the opportunities and add so much value to our conversations and our work quality and output’.
The culture is also felt by people they work with outside the organisation. Natalie said they’re consistently told by clients how much they enjoy talking with team members because everyone’s so happy and motivating.
You can learn more about sociocracy here: https://www.sociocracyforall.org
iClick2Learn helps staff and volunteers govern, manage, and fund their community organisations through training and education, mentoring and development programs. iClick2Learn is Australia’s only certified social enterprise offering online learning development services.
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