Governance Training for Individuals

Whether your stepping up to a new board or committee role and need to know what to do next or you’ve been in a position for a while we are here to guide you to the next level.

Lady attending Online Workshop
Board members around a table

The challenges in governance roles

There are many challenges for committees and boards. There’s a diverse range of personalities and expectations to manage; as well as making sure you’re compliant. 

If you’ve ever been on a committee or board, then you probably already know they don’t always function as smoothly as you would expect.

And you end up thinking, “I’m not sure if this committee or board is functioning as well as it could. 

Governance should
be straightforward

Committee and board members should know what’s involved in their roles, and be able to all get on together to make good decisions that benefit everyone in the organisation.

There should be somewhere to get the tips and tricks from people with years of experience who can fast track them through the journey. The information should be easy to understand and relevant to the sector.

I want to know enough about the organisation and be informed about compliance, financials and achievements in order to be confident in my role. I think I could benefit from training or guidance.” 

Community Facilitation
Committee learning governance

We just want to get
things done

We’re all here because we’re passionate about our organisation. We should use our energy to get things done, instead of worrying about lack of process and compliance, or personality issues.

When committees and boards work well, we get things done and we change our community for the better. When people know what their role is and how to perform, they can get on with the job.

We've been there too

We’ve sat on boards and committees who haven’t had best practice processes in place, let alone followed any. It ends up frustrating everyone, leaving them confused and wondering why people don’t know what they need to do. There’s an endless conversation about the same things and a general lack of direction.  

We’ve helped get organisations start on the right path, get back on track after some major disruptions and issues and adapt their path to be responsive to community needs. 

Digital Marketing Workshop
Lady working on computer

We want to help

After having trained, and worked with over 15,000 people over the last 15 years, we’ve listened to you.  

Because not every situation or every organisation is the same, there are many things to consider. We understand the issues and challenges you’re facing and how to solve them. We know what works and what doesn’t.

It’s all about being practical to get your results with the limited resources and funding you have. That’s why we’ve developed a range of ways for you to access the knowledge and support you need. 

Boards and Committees

Using personal knowledge and real-world examples, these learning topics help boards individuals, CEOs, management teams and committees, understand how to practically apply good governance in their community group or organisation.

  • New to a board role?
  • Improving your Governance
  • Board Inductions
  • Starting a not-for-profit or social enterprise
  • Developing better meeting
  • Strategic Planning
  • Executive Director (Chair, Treasurer & Secretary) training
  • Conflicts of Interest in the Boardroom
  • Confidentiality in the Boardroom
  • Changing your constitution
  • Assessing Board Performance
  • Building better board reports

How would you like to learn governance?

So why wait for the issues to fix themselves? If you don’t take action, then things will just stay the same, so now’s the time to take charge.  

Learn Online anytime anywhere

Learning online gives you the freedom to learn in your own time at your own leisure. Learn with bite size articles, videos and interviews. Deep dive into online courses with certificates.

Face-to-face and online training

Face to face gives gives you the ability to learn in a group and interact with the trainer. Workshops can be modified to suit your particular application. We can also create tailored solutions for your organisation

Consulting & Mentoring

Find guidance from an expert in a confidential environment. Learn from someone with lived experience who has been there and done it before and made all the mistakes so you don’t have to.

I'd like to know more

Join now, take a look inside, or call us for more information.

Typical comments from clients and workshop participants

"Thanks so much for your excellent training session yesterday with the ACCAN Board. Their first meeting together today went very well and I am sure it assisted greatly by your training on governance the day before. The time spent and your skillful facilitation ensured the Board had the conversations they needed to have in a comfortable and supported manner."
Terese Corbin
CEO Australian Communications Consumer Action Network
" Attended my first board meeting since the workshop and it made a huge difference to me in confidence and influencing the board to take on some more rigor and processes. It won’t all happen overnight but incrementally I know I can make a difference."
Robert Crowe
Students Trained
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