Management Training for Organisations

There is always something to learn when managing an organisation, especially if there are new people in the role or there have been changes to legislation. We provide high-quality management training that can be customised for your community organisation. 

People during Board and committees meeting

Managing isn't easy

The management of community organisations, not for profits and charities should run smoothly and without issues.

You need to make informed decisions on providing people in management positions up-to-date training and best practices, especially with constant changes in the organisation.

There’s updating policies and procedures, gaining accreditation and rolling out new services as well.  

Management training should be straight forward

There should be options to learn management skills that best suit the budget and the community members. 

The training should be easy to understand and delivered in a way that suits everyone.It would be great to find an experienced community based learning company to partner to help. 

Management training

We've been there

We have seen time and time again the problems that happen when organisations aren’t managed properly. We just want to help out so everything runs smoothly and the whole organisation is happy and motivated.  

How we can help

Your trainers have experience in delivering practical, actionable training for State and Local Government departments and community organisations across metropolitan and regional Australia.

We’re also a preferred Government provider and we align to procurement policies 

Expert conducting training

Leadership and Management

Leading and managing organisations can be rewarding and challenging. Learn how to negotiate complex situations and build a great team. Our workshops will show you effective strategies and practical tips for managing your most important resource.

  • Managing Conflicts
  • How to have difficult conversations
  • Managing Volunteers
  • Inducting Staff, Volunteers and Contractors
  • Volunteer management
  • Time Management
  • Delivering better Customer Service
  • Systems and Compliance
  • Policies, Procedures and Systems Development
  • Quality Assurance
  • Setting up operational and governance structures
  • Operational and business planning
  • Compliance management
  • Report Writing
  • Strategic Risk Management

How would you like to learn management skills?

We understand that not every organisation’s objectives and student learning types are the same.That’s why we offer a range of learning options for you, tailored to your needs. Not just ‘cookie cutter’ options. 

Learn Online anytime anywhere

Learning online gives you the freedom to learn in your own time at your own leisure. Learn with bite size articles, videos and interviews. Deep dive into online courses with certificates.

Face-to-face and online training

Face to face gives gives you the ability to learn in a group and interact with the trainer. Workshops can be modified to suit your particular application. We can also create tailored solutions for your organisation

Consulting & Mentoring

Find guidance from an expert in a confidential environment. Learn from someone with lived experience who has been there and done it before and made all the mistakes so you don’t have to.


Facilitation helps guide respectful conversations where the facilitator is not emotionally connected to the organisation. The facilitator can bring their own experiences and examples to the conversation so its relatable for attendees.

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