Introduction to Grant Writing Course


The Free Introduction to Grant Writing course is a practical step-by-step guide with tools and checklists. This course includes 14 short lessons which will take around 45 minutes to complete. There is also a bonus downloadable Grant Writing 101 eBook to get you started. If you have any questions, please join in on a Grant Writing Q&A workshop below.

This course has been brought to you thanks to the Innovate with nbn Grant Program, partnering with Regional Australia Institute. iClick2Learn was a national winner in the education category in 2022.

Download your bonus Grant Writing 101 eBook

This is your main page you login or when you select HOME in the main menu. You can return to this page anytime in the course by selecting the orange ‘Back To My Dashboard‘ button at the top left.

Select ‘My Profile ‘ link in the top right navigation to view and update your profile or download your certificate (if applicable)

To progress through your course, when a lesson is completed, select the ‘Mark Complete’ button. You will see the individual lessons in the left side menu will have a tick when they are completed. You’ll be automatically directed to the next lesson. When you are finished all of the lessons, you will be redirected back to this page.

If you have any questions feel free to join one of the regular  ‘Grant Writing Ask Me Anything online workshops, or join the Win The Grant Facebook group or connect with our team at Ph. 02 6884 4654

If you find the video to be laggy for one reason or another, then select the gear icon on the bottom right of the video and select a lower video quality such as 720p.

Join your free upcoming 'Ask me Anything Grants' online Workshop

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More Free Resources

When you join the Introduction to Grant Writing membership, you also get access to all of the free membership content on this site. You can view all of your bonus resources by clicking on the button below

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