eLearning Library for community development
iClick2Learn Community Learning Library is ideal for council community development roles that would like to provide high-impact training and capacity building in your community


Blog Articles


The most comprehensive learning in the sector
There are some growing challenges for not-for-profits and government departments at the moment. Not least of which is the need for safe access to training whilst managing financial cuts across the sector. Resources are limited, but access to high-quality training doesn’t have to be. An online learning library leverages digital assets to meet your training needs and your budget. And once your library is up and running, it’ll keep training whoever and wherever you want, for as long as you want.
- Improving returns on your investment
- Reducing attendance costs
- Scaling to any number of participants
- Lowering the cost per participant
- Reducing staff workloads
- Saving time with an automated system
- Keeping your training consistent across the board (quite literally)
Community training is also a great solution for foundations and corporate funders, agencies that support the sector, and member-based associations.
Our learning content + yours
100% of our profits are reinvested into more content and your community benefits! We’re constantly building content that is ‘demand driven’ as requested by our members.
Binge on hours and hours of learning materials in video; audio and written format or use our smart search tool to find the information you need. Choose from our many micro-learning materials or dig deep into one of our courses.
- Content designed and built for online learners using best-practice learning methodology. No boring webinar recordings here!
- Content built by sector experts and directly relevant to the community development sector.
- Content supporting staff, board and volunteers in not-for-profits, charities and social enterprises. Valuable knowledge and learning also for any staff member working in and needing to understand and support their locally governed organisations.
- Existing learning library on-demand 24/7.
- Questions and requests submitted and responsive content developed to meet needs.
- New tools and templates every month.
- Monthly grants spotlight helping organisations apply for funding.
- New interviews with peers and experts loaded regularly
OR, Choose the content you want*
- Like our content but need a some tweaks to a few videos or courses to customise for your legislation; or additions to mention your policies? We can change or re-record to suit your specific requirements.
Content you can include*
- Any resource you own, or have permission to share such as downloads; articles; videos or interviews. Podcasts; webinar recordings and conference proceedings.
Content we can help you develop, record and edit; or do it for you*
- New tools, templates or manuals written, video or audio.
- Local leaders and community of practice interviews highlighting local knowledge, skills and experience.
- Online courses to support key areas of knowledge or changes and additions to existing content to make it directly relevant to your community of practice. e.g. Grants course covers your grants programs and discusses examples.
- Develop training and certify for continuing professional development points.
*Note: will incur fees e.g. small admin fee
- Committee roles and responsibilities
- Attracting people to your committee
- How to become an effective board member
- Legal structures and legislation
- Difference between governance and management
- What’s in a constitution?
- Evaluating boards and committees
- Volunteer roles and responsibilities
- Ethics for volunteers
- Financial management 101
- Your financial cycles
- Tips on analysing each of your financial statements
- Budgeting and forecasting
- Monitoring your financial position
- Financial dashboard reporting
- Building a healthy culture
- Create a positive workplace
- What to do when things go wrong
- Identify and resolve conflicts
- What to do when you need to dismiss staff
- 4 key elements of performance management
- Using social media to market your organisation
- How to create a marketing message
- Why you should create a stakeholder analysis
- Why we use storytelling in marketing
- Running events on a $0 budget
- Fundraising
- Understanding grant application guidelines and eligibility
- Risk and safety
- Implementing risk management
- and much, much more….
Topics covered in the library
- All Categories
- Boards and Committees
- Child Safety
- Courses
- Events
- Financials
- Fundraising
- Grants and Tenders
- Human Resources
- Legals
- Marketing
- Operational Systems
- Partnerships
- Personal Development
- Planning
- Risk Management
- Volunteers
- Webinars
- All Categories
- Boards and Committees
- Child Safety
- Courses
- Events
- Financials
- Fundraising
- Grants and Tenders
- Human Resources
- Legals
- Marketing
- Operational Systems
- Partnerships
- Personal Development
- Planning
- Risk Management
- Volunteers
- Webinars

Assessing and Evaluating Boards And Committees [Course]

7 Steps to Marketing Your Organisation [Course]

7 Tips to Deliver Events on a $0 Budget [Course]

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Web Designer [Course]

Avoid the 6 Common Mistakes Submission Writers Make [Course]

Your Easy Stakeholder Communication Plan [Course]

Designated Roles Within a Management Committee

General Committee Members

Induction for New Members

Attracting New Committee Members

Creating a Positive Volunteer Culture

Volunteer Costs and Reimbursements

People who Volunteer

An Intro to Writing Grant Submissions

Volunteer Position Description

5 Committee Roles Explained

What’s in a Constitution?

Should we Incorporate?

Great Tips on how to Approach a Funding Pitch

Volunteer Induction [Course]

Volunteering 101 [Course]

So You’re a Volunteer! What now?

How to Stay Safe While Volunteering

Volunteer Supervisor

Legal Responsibilities of Committee Members

Why Risk Training is a Great Thing for Volunteers to Have

Align Strategy and Finances

How to Assess your Financial Health

Key Financial Terms

Paying Committee Members

Understanding your Balance Sheet

Fundraising for Your Service

What is DGR status?

What is Risk Management

Financial Controls

Monitoring your Financial Position

How to Start a Risk Management Plan

What is Risk Management?

Forecasting your Financial Future is the key to Financial Success

Why you Need Financial Reports to Help Make Decisions

What are Audits and Which one do I Need?

Financial Controls That Protect you and Your Organisation

4 Ways to Think About Risk Management

Risk Management Plans for Services

Risk Management Plans

Become an Effective Board Member

Understanding how to Read and Analyse your Financial Statements

How you can Create an Ethical and Effective Workplace Using Simple Strategies

Measuring and Managing the Performance of Your People

How to Develop Meaning in Your Marketing Messages

Develop your Marketing Messages

Why you Need Digital Storytelling to get Your Marketing Message Heard

Myth-busting Social Media Costs and Benefits

Market Engagement

Marketing Content Creation

Build your Website

Monitoring Your Marketing Activities to Maximise Opportunities

Buyer Personas

Maintain your Marketing

Measuring Marketing Outcomes that Matter

Why Focus on Marketing

How to Understand Grant Guidelines!

How to Answer Grant Application Questions

Why you Need to Support Your Statements in Your Grant Application

How to Structure your Grant Application Response

How to Write a Competitive Grant Application and Stand out From the Crowd

Incorporation: Step by Step

Boards and Committee Legal Obligations

The Purpose of Your Event

Events: Step by Step

Events: Common Mistakes

Finance Basics

Understanding Common Financial Reports

Introduction to Grant Writing

Four Abilities for Grants

Get Sponsors to Say Yes

What is Risk Management?

Types of Fundraising

Due Diligence

Fundraising and the Law

Donor Personas

Ten Golden Rules of Risk Management

Volunteering: What to Think About Before Signing up

5 Step Formula To A Winning Submission [Course]

Complying with ACNC Standards

The Process of Change Mapping [Course]

Legislative and Good Practice Constitutional Changes for WA Associations

How to apply for a Supplementary Volunteer Grant [Webinar]

Volunteering During COVID [Course]

FRRR Strengthening Rural Communities Grant [Webinar]

Getting Started: Simple Plans for Small Groups

How to Differentiate Between a Vision and Mission Statement?

What Happens When People Aren’t Connected With Your Purpose?

Can Members Request a General Meeting?

Strategic Planning [Course]

How to Create Content Without a Budget

What is Auspicing?

How to Create an Annual Communications Plan [Course]

Questions to Ask Your Board [Course]

How to Apply for the Australia Post Community Grant [Webinar]

Changing Your Constitution

Committee Nomination Form

Membership Application Form

Fundraising Risks for Community and Non Profit Organisations

ANZ Seeds of Renewal Grant Writing 2021

How to Take Meeting Minutes

Governance Risks for Community and Grassroots Organisations

Covid-19 Event Risk Management for Charities: A Checklist

Governance Risks for Service-Based Organisations

Fundraising Risks for Registered Charities

Event Risk Management for Charities and Not-For-Profits

Deductible Gift Recipients Status [Course]

Getting to Know Your Constitution

What is a Code of Conduct and Why Do You Need One?

Informed Decision Making in Your Not-For-Profit

Staying On Top of Your Financials

3 Essential Financial Documents

Governance and Your Organisation

How to win a Inland Rail Community Grant

Top 3 Effective Communication Skills

How to Build Positive Team Culture

3 Tips for Developing Self Leadership

6 Tips to Improve Your Online and In-Person Presentations

3 Ways to Lead in Uncertain Times

Time Management Tips for Not-For-Profits

Develop Your Grants Calendar

Collaboration to Increase Opportunities

3 Ways to Find Grants Funds

Organisational Structure

Legal Structures

Board Assessments and Evaluations: An Introduction

Creating a Child Safe Organisation

Creating a Child Safe Code of Conduct

Keeping Children and Young People Safe Online

Top 10 tips for your grant budget

5 Tips for effective meetings

5 Tips for Recruiting Volunteers

5 Tips for Keeping Volunteers

4 Steps to Attract Youth Volunteers

Approving Your Budget

Risk Management

Volunteer Interview

Develop Your Event Plan

Developing a Funding Ready Project

Social Impact

How to Develop a Logic Model [Course]

Create a Sponsorship Plan

What do Volunteers want Post-Covid?

Building a Culture That Encourages Volunteers

What is a Volunteer Manager?

How to Get Volunteers More Engaged Post-Covid

Developing a Fundraising Plan

How to run your AGM

Accidental Counsellor

Introduction to Grant Writing [Course]

Introduction to Grant Writing [Course]

Starting a Not-for-Profit
Customised Addon Solutions
We can design and build it, or help you deliver.-
Your own custom, branded learning management system with your content and ours.
Community of Practice interviews. Your community, sharing their knowledge, tips and strategies.
Customised learning content developed for you (videos, tools, manuals etc.). See our services page for more information and case studies.
Social Return on Investment reports demonstrating the impact and value of your investment.
License some, or all of our content for your own Learning Management System.