General Committee Members
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iClick2Learn Team
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The remainder of the committee is made up of members who are not office-bearers. The people who occupy these positions are frequently referred to as general committee members. The key responsibilities of the general committee members, however, are undertaken by the committee as a whole.
In summary, this includes participating and contributing towards organisational planning, reviews and approvals, advocacy, marketing and promotion, deciding administrative functions and ensuring effective organisational and committee performance. Ensuring but not enacting operational management procedures and financial planning, management and decision making. These are all very important roles of the general committee members and the committee as a whole.
We do have a few general committee members. The remainder of the management committee is made up of non-executive positions, so people who occupy these positions are frequently referred to as general committee members. The key responsibilities of the general committee members however, are undertaken by the management committee as a whole.
So in summary, it includes things like participating and contributing towards things like organisational planning, reviews and approvals, advocacy, marketing and promotion, deciding administrative functions, and ensuring effective organisational and committee performance. Also ensuring, but not enacting, operational management procedures, financial planning, management and decision making.
Below is a link to the Incorporations Act of Western Australia. Feel free to have a read through this and familiarise yourself particularly with part four, division one, which talks about management committee, right through to part four, division three, which covers duties of officers. You’re also going to find this in your constitution, so make sure you read those parts in your constitution as well. And we’ve provided sample position descriptions in the section below the video. Have a read through them and if you would like to, do the quiz.
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- Tags | Boards and Committees, Roles