iClick2Learn Team

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5 Tips for Keeping Volunteers

With committed volunteers, your organisation can focus its time and energy on accomplishing its essential mission/purpose. And you can build a more cohesive, collaborative community of people who know their responsibilities, role, and value.

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5 Tips for Recruiting Volunteers

Taking a fresh look at how you recruit volunteers can be incredibly helpful for your organisation. Doing so can help you locate volunteers and keep them engaged over the long term. With a loyal volunteer team supporting your organisation, you can get more done for less money.

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Girl playing game on phone

Keeping Children and Young People Safe Online

Online platforms provide children and young people with various options to learn, play, and connect. More than ever, children and young people can easily access educational materials, games, and communities that help them grow. But online environments are not without risks.

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kids playing todether

Creating a Child Safe Code of Conduct

A Child Safe Code of Conduct is a document that guides and instructs every member of your organisation in child safety and wellbeing. Specifically, it should outline the behaviours, attitudes, and actions that are expected in order to protect children and young people.

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Creating a Child Safe Organisation

Any organisation that works or comes into contact with children and young people should create a child safe culture. A child safe organisation respects the rights of young people and supports a nationally best practice approach to their wellbeing.

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