Grants and Tenders
One of the most important things any community organisation needs to do. From simple tips to strategic approaches increasing your chances.

Hand-curated micro-learning short videos giving you knowledge and practical actions to help you start, build and grow your organisation.

Developing a Fundraising Plan
Watch this recorded workshop to help you create a fundraising plan.
Top 10 tips for your grant budget
We can all benefit from being able to better understand budget requirements for grants. Improve your chance of winning that next grant!
3 Ways to Find Grants Funds
Discover three ways you can proactively identify grants and reduce the time spent searching.
How to win a Inland Rail Community Grant
This recorded online workshop will take you step by step through the guidelines of the current 2021 Inland Rail Community Grants Round.
ANZ Seeds of Renewal Grant Writing 2021
This recorded webinar will take you step by step through the guidelines of the current ANZ Seeds of Renewal Round 2021
How to Write a Competitive Grant Application and Stand out From the Crowd
How to gain a competitive edge over other submissions
How to Structure your Grant Application Response
Know how to construct your application the right way
Why you Need to Support Your Statements in Your Grant Application
How to give the judges the key information they need
How to Answer Grant Application Questions
Know how to answer the questions in your application
How to Understand Grant Guidelines!
Know how to make the most of the application guidelines
An Intro to Writing Grant Submissions
Why writing winning grant applications benefits you and your community
Helpful written information sharing ‘how-to’s with steps guiding you through topics you want to learn.

Four Abilities for Grants
Capability is about the capacity and ability of your human resources.
Introduction to Grant Writing
The four abilities of grant writing will help you understand the strategic thinking required for successful grant applications.
Guided courses taking you through a specific topic. From short topic focused courses or deeper dive courses on specific subjects.

Introduction to Grant Writing [Course]
Whether you are new to grant writing or looking to refine your skills, this course provides valuable knowledge and practical techniques to increase your chances of securing funding for your projects.
5 Step Formula To A Winning Submission [Course]
This course is specifically for nonprofits, charities and social enterprises, who are applying for grants, tenders, and award submissions.
Avoid the 6 Common Mistakes Submission Writers Make [Course]
The main reason that judges don't say yes is that you don't give them the information they need.