Financials aren’t scary or boring! Simple effective learning that helps you better understand this unnecessarily complex topic.

Hand-curated micro-learning short videos giving you knowledge and practical actions to help you start, build and grow your organisation.

Developing a Fundraising Plan
Watch this recorded workshop to help you create a fundraising plan.
Approving Your Budget
Learn what information is contained in a budget, red flags to look out for, and questions to ask before voting to approve a proposed budget.
Top 10 tips for your grant budget
We can all benefit from being able to better understand budget requirements for grants. Improve your chance of winning that next grant!
Understanding how to Read and Analyse your Financial Statements
Key ways to gauge your financial strengths and weakness.
Financial Controls That Protect you and Your Organisation
The financial controls you need to safeguard your organisation's future
What are Audits and Which one do I Need?
What audits are and what you should do to prepare
Why you Need Financial Reports to Help Make Decisions
The key reports you need to keep on top of your financials
Forecasting your Financial Future is the key to Financial Success
Understanding forecasting to keep your financial health on track.
Monitoring your Financial Position
4 things that give you the power to keep your finance on its top game.
Financial Controls
Asking these 9 financial questions will prevent errors, theft and fraud.
Understanding your Balance Sheet
3 sections of your balance sheet explained so it makes sense
Paying Committee Members
Important things you should consider before deciding to pay members.
Key Financial Terms
9 essential key words to decode your finances and unlock your success
How to Assess your Financial Health
4 video series explaining essential ways for you to assess your organisation's financial health, why you should book an appointment to assess your financial health ...
Align Strategy and Finances
Maximise your potential by making a plan that covers all of your bases
Helpful written information sharing ‘how-to’s with steps guiding you through topics you want to learn.

3 Essential Financial Documents
Learn about your not-for-profit’s three essential financial documents and how they can support good governance, accountability, and transparency.
Staying On Top of Your Financials
Staying on top of financials helps your organisation keep accountable. Learn how your whole committee can better understand your financial status.
Understanding Common Financial Reports
As a committee member, you should regularly review financial reports and statements.
Finance Basics
Financial oversight is part of your organisation’s good governance, but it doesn't have to be painful.
Get the answers to your questions and receive trusted advice from our not for profit experts.

What is Auspicing?
In simple terms, it’s where another organisation supports your organisation.
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