CCSS Learning Library

Community Connect Southern Shoalhaven – Helping The Helpers. 
Volunteers are a big part of what makes the Southern Shoalhaven NSW a great place to live and work.
CCSS was created to assist individual volunteers and their Community, Charity, Sporting and NFP groups to better communicate, collaborate, and attract and retain members.
Training has been identified as key need for local groups – and thus Community Connect Library was created.
See below the amazing content already included in Library, with brand-new local content to be added shortly. 
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Boards and Committees

Discover everything you’ll need to know about how to govern and lead. From meetings to financial reports, you’ll find it here. 


Everything events! From starting a new event, to increasing sponsorship and attendees to managing your team and budget.


Financials aren’t scary or boring!  Simple effective learning that helps you better understand this unnecessarily complex topic.  


From useful ideas to help you think through your approach, to specific topics like developing your crowdfunding campaign. 

Grants and Tenders

One of the most important things any community organisation needs to do. From simple tips to strategic approaches increasing your chances. 


From fundamental principles to tools and templates that help you build your audience; supporters and grow your organisation. 

Risk Management

Risks are everywhere and can be managed well, with the right approach. Learn practical approaches to managing risks.


Many of us wouldn’t be here without them!  Learn how to start, build, engage, leverage and manage your wonderful volunteers. 

Covid -19 Toolkit

A toolkit to help your community organisation navigate the world of working from home and service planning during COVID-19. 

Projects and programs copy


Strategy and action deliver results and plans are the foundation for achieving your goals. From strategic plans to business plans and everything in between.

Lady working on computer

Personal Development

Explore topics from self management to self-care. We all need support to develop our personal skills and attributes that help our not-for-profit and our community. 

Kid holding parent's hand

Child Safety

Learn how to make your organisation, projects, and events safe for children and young people.


Introduction to Grant Writing [Course]

Whether you are new to grant writing or looking to refine your skills, this course provides valuable knowledge and practical techniques to increase your chances of securing funding for your ...

How to Develop a Logic Model [Course]

A logic model is a structured process to use to plan and assess your organisations purpose and what you are doing to achieve that purpose.
20 Australian dollar note

Deductible Gift Recipients Status [Course]

What is DGR status and who can apply. We explore DGR endorsements, categories, obligations and entities that may find it difficult obtaining DRG endorsement.
Board members around a table

Questions to Ask Your Board [Course]

If you’re new to a committee or board, or a long-time member this course will go over the foundational essentials you really should know to your job.
Annual Communications Plan

How to Create an Annual Communications Plan [Course]

Learn how to create content that will engage and connect with your organisation’s community.
General Meeting

Strategic Planning [Course]

This recorded advanced webinar workshop on strategic planning is suitable to service based boards.
Deliveries in Covid

Volunteering During COVID [Course]

Volunteers are vital to a healthy community, especially during a pandemic like COVID-19. This free course will give you practical tips to stay safe while volunteering in this challenging time.
Change Mapping

The Process of Change Mapping [Course]

Author by: iClick2Learn Start Course Translate Text Course Details Start Course Start Course
Hand writing a submission

5 Step Formula To A Winning Submission [Course]

This course is specifically for nonprofits, charities and social enterprises, who are applying for grants, tenders, and award submissions.

Volunteering 101 [Course]

In the eCourse, you’ll learn: knowing yourself as a volunteer, volunteer organisations, volunteer roles, and how to stay safe in your role.

What's New

Introduction to Grant Writing [Course]

Whether you are new to grant writing or looking to refine your skills, this course provides valuable knowledge and practical techniques to increase your chances of securing funding for your ...
Two people talking

Accidental Counsellor

Learn how to become a good listener, resolve emotional situations, learn about your own triggers, and how not to take things personally.
People involving in volunteering work

How to Get Volunteers More Engaged Post-Covid

While many tried-and-true methods of engaging volunteers are still valid, revisiting your organisation’s tactics and strategies post-Covid is essential. A lot has changed over a relatively short time, including people’s ...
Leading a volunteers

What is a Volunteer Manager?

Your organisation relies on the hard work of volunteers. And having volunteers means onboarding, training, and supervising them. That’s why Volunteer Managers are so important.
People holding hands together

Building a Culture That Encourages Volunteers

Since Covid, volunteer activity has dropped. That’s why building an encouraging culture is more important than ever. An encouraging culture shows appreciation and reminds volunteers how valuable they are.

Create a Sponsorship Plan

Watch this recorded workshop to help you create a sponsorship plan.

Developing a Funding Ready Project

A handy template for you to start developing your project ready for your funding pitch.

Develop Your Event Plan

This workshop will help you create an outline of your event that you can use to start obtaining sponsorship funding, applying for grants and getting people on board.
Hand holding mic

Volunteer Interview

Hear what drives people to volunteer in the community, why volunteers are important, and how to encourage people to volunteer with your organisation.
Analysing risk

Risk Management

Watch our governance expert Natalie Bramble as she explains the importance of risk management.

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