How to Create an Annual Communications Plan [Course]

Author by: Flavia Young

Learn how to create content that will engage and connect with your organisation’s community.

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Course Details

Effective communication is the driver to increase income through sales, donations, fundraising and successful capacity building for your organisations.

This course taken from a 90-minute webinar is for those of you who have the communications and marketing role, either as a staff member or volunteer.

The presenter Flavia Young will remove any stress you’re feeling from having to ‘go it alone’. You’ll find it less daunting and yes, even fun!

You’ll discover how to create content that will engage and connect with your organisation’s community.

You’ll create a draft annual communication plan in under 2 hours and learn:

* How to draft a plan even if it’s the first time you’ve or your organisation has done one and no historical data exists

* How to really think in terms of solid objectives as the DNA to drive your successful communication plans

* How to use a tool to review your communication strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities

* How to quickly brainstorm a whole year (month-by-month) of objective/message-driven content, complete with due dates and costings

* How to layout an evaluation report for your boss, committee or the board.

You’ll get access to worksheets and templates in the course.

A few words about the presenter..

Flavia not only did a fantastic job presenting at our Content Creation Day, but also successfully chaired the event by guiding the delegates and speakers through the sessions and keeping them engaged throughout the day with interactive discussions and activities.

Flavia presented on ‘How to Truly Connect with your Community’ where she delivered an impressive talk about the importance of content, elements of a good story, and what you should/shouldn’t share about your organisation. This presentation was a favourite of the day and very well received by the delegates! “Great presentation and handouts! Useful tips and tools. Thank you!”

It was an absolute pleasure to have Flavia on board at the event this year! She is most definitely an engaging facilitator and a knowledgeable speaker, and I highly recommend her work. We are very much looking forward to working with her again in the future!

– Steven Oesterreich, Managing Director, Ark Group Australia

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