Volunteers Articles

People involving in volunteering work

How to Get Volunteers More Engaged Post-Covid

While many tried-and-true methods of engaging volunteers are still valid, revisiting your organisation’s tactics and strategies post-Covid is essential. A lot has changed over a relatively short time, including people’s hopes and expectations for volunteer opportunities.

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Young Volunteers

4 Steps to Attract Youth Volunteers

Everyone in your organisation can benefit from the energy and passion of youth volunteers. They bring fresh insights, innovative ideas, and boundless creativity to your mission/purpose, all while spreading the word about the good work your organisation performs.

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Group of people enjoying sunset

5 Tips for Keeping Volunteers

With committed volunteers, your organisation can focus its time and energy on accomplishing its essential mission/purpose. And you can build a more cohesive, collaborative community of people who know their responsibilities, role, and value.

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5 Tips for Recruiting Volunteers

Taking a fresh look at how you recruit volunteers can be incredibly helpful for your organisation. Doing so can help you locate volunteers and keep them engaged over the long term. With a loyal volunteer team supporting your organisation, you can get more done for less money.

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