Volunteer Costs and Reimbursements
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iClick2Learn Team
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As a volunteer, there might be costs involved in the role, and that’s just a fact of life. That’s what we do contribute as a volunteer. Some organisations require us to fundraise or to provide a financial contribution to participate and here’s an example.
The Variety Bash Children’s Charity entrants have to fundraise a minimum of $8,500 per car to enter the annual B to B Bash. But generally, you’re not going to come across those sorts of costs. You generally might have costs, such as special clothing, out-of-pocket expenses. You might also ask what the costs are and if you can apply for reimbursements, if they pay for your meals or you need to bring along equipment or perhaps pay for petrol. Knowing the costs upfront means that you’re going to be prepared when the time comes.
And while volunteers don’t receive payment for their time contribution generally, the organisation may provide you with cash or gifts either as a payment or a benefit. It is a great way to think and reward volunteers, but they’re generally done as opportunities arise, not something that you expect every year. For example, the cash they might provide you with is a reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses or you might receive an allowance to cover expenses like meals or petrol. They’re usually supported by very clear reimbursement and expense policies so make sure you ask the process for gaining a reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses.
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- Tags | Budgeting, Financials, Volunteer