Maintain your Marketing
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iClick2Learn Team
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In this unit, we’re going to be talking about how you can help maintain the momentum. Now, I talked about posting plans, and particularly, if you’re developing an action plan, you know, we’ve got our marketing strategy, we know why we’re doing it, we’ve got an action plan that tells us what it is we’re going to deliver, but what we need to do is we need to then think about, well, specifically, how is this going to work? And a lot of times to me, when you’re talking about digital content, we talk about developing content posting plan. And here’s just an example of one. There are quite a lot on, you know, please just google content posting plans or social media posting plans and you’ll come up with quite a lot. This is an example of ours.
You know, what month is it, what is the campaign this month we’re particularly focusing on and who’s the weekly champion. And what are the pa signers we’re wanting to speak to. And you can see here, we collect content assets. Because they are assets. And when we look at our assets, we have a range of five articles. And what we do is, we say, “Okay, article one this, in week one is going to be promoted on Facebook, but next weeks it’s going to be promoted on LinkedIn”. This is called repurposing our marketing content. But what we’re doing, is this is just helping us say when is it going to happen, so we can actually maintain what we’re doing. We’ve got a clear guide. We don’t have to stop and think, “Oh my gosh, I need content today for Facebook, what am I going to, what am I going to do?” we’re planning it, you know, we’ve done our action plan. Action plan might be a monthly plan. We know what we’re doing over the month. You know, we then set time aside and we just develop that.
Of course if something happens. Media get a hold of a story, and you think, “Oh, we could do a story or an angle on that, or we could share that”. You would share content. But this is about being very consistent in your approach to planning. Because it takes a lot more time to sit down and go, “oh my gosh, I need something to Facebook today.” there’s two hours out of my day just thinking about and developing something that I’ve got to post on Facebook. So posting plans help you maintain the momentum.
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