Legislative and Good Practice Constitutional Changes for WA Associations

This course is designed to assist non-profit organisations who need to review/amend/modify or replace their constitution.

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This course is designed to assist non-profit organisations who need to review/amend/modify or replace their constitution. This course will explore the template constitution and its supporting manual in detail to help you develop a constitution that doesn’t just comply with the act, but also helps you get on with the work you do by ensuring you aren’t distracted by situations similar to those you may have had in the past!

Why is it important?

Not for profits in WA have to comply with the new Associations Incorporations Act 2015 (WA). Your new constitution can help you guard against those power plays and challenges that can be difficult to manage in a non-profit organisation. This course helps you consider some of those scenarios and suggests some ways to build clauses to reduce your risks and adopt best practice.

Who benefits and how?

1. Board sub-committees reviewing the constitution will more capable recommend changes after learning about the rationale behind clauses in the model constitution, finding out which clauses that are mandatory or optional, and where to seek further advice

2. Volunteers will be comfortable helping out knowing that you are taking care of them by demonstrating your commitment to risk and occupational health and safety. This course helps you consider some of those scenarios and suggests some ways to build clauses to reduce your risks.

3. Sponsors and Funders will be more inclined to invest knowing you have taken proactive steps to be legally compliant with the new act and putting best practice governance processes in place.

Over 130-course units

Course Content

Adopting or Adapting the Template Constitution
1 - 3: Preliminary Clauses
4 - 6: [Charitable] Object, Purposes and Powers
7 - 12: Members – Membership Requirements
13 - 14: Annual General and Special General Meetings
15 - 16: Annual General and Special General Meetings - Resolutions
19 - 24: Board and Directors
25 - 27: Board Meetings
28: Subcommittees and Other Delegation
29 - 30: Finances
31: Binding the Association
32 - 33: Minutes, Books and Records
34 - 36: Disputes
37 - 38: Service of Notices
39 - 41: Indemnity and Insurance
42 - 43: Occupational Safety and Health
44 - 45: Constitution and By-Laws
46 - 48: Winding up, Cancellation and Distribution of Surplus Property
Reducing Penalty risks in the new Act
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