Developing a Fundraising Plan

Watch this recorded workshop to help you create a fundraising plan.

Authored by: iClick2Learn Team

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Hello everyone and welcome to developing a fundraising plan. My name is Natalie Bramble co-founder of i Click 2 Learn and really excited to Be taking everyone through this inner two-part series. There should be a link. If you’re watching the recording underneath this video linking you to part two. There’s a very active session. We do have breakout rooms. So for those if you’re watching the recording you will basically be pausing the video and working through the worksheet that’s available underneath the recording as well before we get started. 

– I wanted to acknowledge the First Nations people on the lands that we are work rest and play and I’m actually streaming from Dhuba-gu Land country dubbo New South Wales, and we’ve got we’ve got a couple of people from different states today as well. So extend that acknowledgment to you the other thing that I really like to genuinely Express as well. Um, in addition to an acknowledgment is acknowledgment to you all for the work that you’re doing in community, you know, even if you are paid to do it, we know we we go above and beyond and and we really are motivated to build a healthier resilient inclusive community. So, you know and not for profits of the very backbone of society and that is really important work we do because why this part is so important because we can’t do this without actually having some funds. So we know that fundraising is vital and there are a lot of different opportunities for fundraising. Because this is a two-part shortest session, you know, we sort of cover this in two hours. I’ve kept it quite practical and quite realistic into a series of four, you know approaches if you like so The two-part session will be looking at goals and your goals and actually setting some really clear goals. We’ll then be actually taking a step back and saying, you know, what assets do we already have, you know, I find A lot of organisations when they start thinking about their opportunities, they come up with all of these new ideas and it takes a lot of time and energy to develop things completely from scratch. So what we what this part around your assets is about is taking an honest, look at what you’re already doing well and maybe what you can improve to increase Revenue in that area or to decrease the time and energy and effort or funds that you’re spending in a particular area and if we if we do that first, you know, it’s very much about strengths based working. If you’re really great at that you’re doing this really well, how can we leverage that? 

– And then we’ll be talking about well, how can those assets be best used if we are creating something new we’ll then be looking at opportunities and and the opportunities part are most of that will be sort of talking about in session two and I will be at the end of this session talking about why people give as individuals but also decision-makers in organisation. So we’ll be looking at that and then in session two will actually be going through personas. So being very very clear about who it is that you’re targeting the language that you need to use in your marketing and communication and even how do you even find them to get them interested in what you’re doing? So that’ll be part two and then we’ll be finishing with an action plan and that action plan, you know looks at your environment. So, you know, the old strengths weaknesses are opportunities and threats we use a slightly different model, but we look at a couple of models that can. If you think through some opportunities that you have and we’ll look at a strategic SWAT. We’ll also have a look at some risks as well and and factoring in those so, you know, there’s it’s a really important thing to Come Away with an action plan that gives you key Milestones or key success indicators or kpis if that’s the term you use key performance indicators to know when you should kind of take a step back and review what you’re doing because if it’s not working it’s time for us to to modify our approach rather than thinking at the end of the day. Oh my gosh, we did all of that work and we only got it. So so it is about not just the action plan but monitoring and evaluating and reviewing and improving our approach as we go along. So that’s the session that we we’ve got for you. Let’s get started. 

– The first thing that we want to do is we want to set a goal now I have in this example. I’ve just focused more on a program fundraising gold and an organisational strategy again, we wanted this to be as practical as possible. But the same tools apply whether you’re doing a whole of organisation strategy all you’re actually doing a fundraising plan for a specific program or service or initiative that you have such as an event. So to be clear on what we’re doing. We need to make a statement a statement of intention if you like, and and this statement is something that I’ll get you to work through shortly, and it is about being very clear. We will raise notice. The language is very positive. We will not our aim is to or our goal is to know we will raise $10,000 by we’re giving a deadline for this the 15th of November 2022. It’s only a few short months away. In this case in order to run a breakfast program and that breakfast program is scheduled to starting the school year. So in February 23 Um, and this is the reason we’re doing it so that you know, one of things with donors is they want to know so what if I’m gonna give you money so where is that going to go? You know the so what is so important to share in your messaging around this? And so it’s important for them to understand the impact. That’s essentially what I’m talking about is if you already have programs in your developing program logic and you’re in that space of talking about outcomes and impacts if you’re not you should be and we actually have a recorded, you know, we ran an online Workshop around social impact. It was a two-part Workshop. It is available in the library. So if this is new to you, I really strongly recommend you go and and view that as well because this will help you think about your outcomes and impacts. So the outcome for this is that children 8 to 12 will improve your educational potential at school. So I give in a broader impact example.

– Let’s have a look at the next example. It’s slightly different. There are a couple of additions there and then I’ll talk about talk about that example and why so just ignore those boxes at the moment you’ll see that what I’ve done is I’ve given a little bit more. Specificity a little bit more detail. So this is for term one. I could have put term one 2023 but we can see that we’ve expanded on the fact that we’re targeting disadvantaged children. Now, you might have a particular, you know, we’ve got eight to 12 years. You might have a particular area of the community or a particular Target group or Target get demographic but let’s run through now the solid boxes and I do just if you’re wondering why I describe things that are on screen where it’s really important for someone who maybe is listening in or has a visual impairment. We make sure that we’re delivering inclusive training. So that’s why I use more descriptive language in the delivery. So next to will raise, you know that statement that I went through what I have is I have some very clear boxes that say this I were including this information in our goal. So we will raise $10,000. Well, that’s a measurable goal. That’s something that we can actually measure that we can track as we’re going through our fundraising plan as I’ve said we’ve got a Time limited so we have set a time look you do have a little bit of leeway, of course because this isn’t until term one, but the reality is and and we’re doing this session in I was nearly going to say September September’s tomorrow. We’re doing this this session in quarter three of the year. Um, and so, you know that December January period things generally shut down. So, you know, if you were looking at a fundraising activity, then what you’ll see is it’s flooded with Christmas fundraising. So that’s why I’ve give it a November deadline and we need to be very clear about what the money is being spent on, you know people there are different reasons people will give money to you. We’re gonna go through that before the end of this session But ultimately that all want to know where their money is going. You know, what are you doing with it? There are some absolute Advocates and fans who are so convinced about the difference that you make that they’ll give you money regardless. But they’re not necessarily the ones that we want to tap into we want to make sure that we’re expanding our opportunities and if they’re going to give us money regardless, you know, that’s great. Maybe you could actually use them for for fundraising or for Revenue generating goals that it’s really hard to actually get money for and that is for example supporting your operational expenses. We really want to make sure that we’re expanding our opportunities and that’s why it’s so important. This is what the money is being spent on. 

The other reason is that that actually gives you a lot of Storytelling ability, which we’ll talk about In session two a lot of ability to start telling stories around that main theme the other main theme that we can tell stories around is that impact so being very clear on impact and how it aligns to the purpose of our organisation including any strategies that you have and this is that that for this organisation and example is that it is for disadvantaged children. It’s about supporting disadvantage children and it’s about providing them and making sure that they’re you know that there’s equity in providing them with opportunities plethora of research that helps you tell stories as well around this particular scenario, but I’m sure for your organisation that demonstrates that if you give children a great healthy breakfast, they can concentrate at school and that actually does lead to improved educational outcomes. So So this example here is what we’re going to do. There is one slight variation to setting a goal. Sometimes you are very clear about who you want to Target now generally speaking when we talk about targeting people targeting funders or donors. We may you know, we generally do that a little bit later. This is in session two, we’re going to be talking about personas. However, some of you are already got some of that you’ve already done that strategy and you’ve already identified perhaps a particular sector within the community or within your local businesses that actually you’re not accessing support from so you may do a more targeted campaign. And so this example the next one on the the slide the only difference is that I’ve included a from so we’re gonna raise $10,000 from local businesses by a set day and so by including the from which is our Target donor again, we can Be very specific on some of the messaging and communication. It also does help at times to just say our campaign is targeted to this particular group because then our messaging is a lot more targeted now. I’ve just put local businesses. It could be from parents. It could be from you know, people that have nearly arrived into your community and you want to get them engaged. For example, if you’re doing a fundraising campaign around, you know getting Volunteers in engaged. 

– Oh, sorry campaign around volunteering engagement. That would be an ideal Target. So you don’t have to include the from it’s only if you know that that you have a particular goal or you’ve identified a particular Gap and you want to see if a fundraising goal would work to Target that Gap? So how does that is that that sound pretty straightforward as an exercise for you to do are there any questions on this before? I pop you into breakout rooms because what I’m going to ask you to do is to first set. Your intention is to First say what is our goal again. This can be across your organisation. The main reason I focused on one particular project is because you know, otherwise we’ll you know, it’ll be two days of training. So it gives you enough to to look at the tools and to reflect on those to go in. All right. So that’s the now where how model that you can use, you know wear it. Where do we want to be in a couple of years? Where are we now and the strategy to achieve that so the seven P’s that I’m taking you through and one of those is the purpose so think about the stats and facts that you’ve got the stats and facts that were like directly to you. So the example that I gave was one intent children across Australia, it doesn’t speak to me as as a supporter as a donor. If you said one in ten children that you know, oh then that’s hit hard that that’s like, oh wow. Okay, gosh, so it is about making sure that when you’re achieving your purpose, you are gathering stats and facts and help you demonstrate your achieving it, but more importantly it contextualising it so that a person can actually relate to that in their practical day to day if this is about fundraising for a project then this is about making sure that Got the evidence of need demand and impact. You know, if you’re if you’re thinking I needed a little bit of work on that go and have a look at some of particularly some of the grant writing materials that are in the library because we do talk about this is absolute essentially. An absolute essential that you have this information when you’re applying for Grants. That’s how you measured. 

– So we need to make sure that we have that, you know again, this helps us with some of those stories that we need to tell for funders to get them across the line. One of the assets that we have that often is underutilised is our people the volunteers the The Advocates and fans that we have and and for us it’s about thinking we have these base the people that already fund or already support us, even if I don’t give us money they still give us perhaps in kind or support. How can we actually leverage them to help them spread our message an example of this is peer-to-peer fundraising, you know, hey, I’m going on a hike will you sponsor me because the money is going to X. So it does work. Here’s some other examples of what you can do in a simplest form. You’ve got a fundraising campaign for the next three months. To do whatever it might be we could use our example, why not develop a call to action that’s linked to an online donation platform. And you’re asking your volunteers and Advocates people that really support your organisation to include this on the bottom of their email signature. If you’ve already got supporters, like companies who support you then say to them, you know, wouldn’t it be great to share your support of our organisation and one way that you could do this is to say, you know, we’re a good corporate citizen. Basically we support this organisation on by the way. They’re currently funding for X again. They can pop that on their email signature. If you’ve got people that are actually going out and and networking, you know, they’re in the community. It might be your board. 

Okay, give them a peach framework that they can use when they’re introducing themselves. You know, I’m currently chair of exorganisation and where you know, we’ve currently got a campaign to do X because of X, so give them the tools to help them spread your message. um And so that links with you our Partnerships as well. Anyone that we have that that support us. How can we we get into help spread the word and and the work that we’re doing as well. The other one number five is being very clear on who our prospective donors are this links back to who we’re targeting. It might be one particular group. It might be a range of individuals businesses Etc and we will talk more about that in personas in the second session. One of the things that particularly if you’re focusing on online donations, one of the things that we do need to make sure is that we have proof and evidence that you can trust us. Yes, if you give your your money to us, it’s not a scam. It’s okay, it will come to us and and we can be trusted to do what we’ve said. So make sure that you know, Google your organisation’s name make sure that you have what they now call Trust points on the web. So that’s everything from your socials. Of course to your website at the point where you’re asking people to donate you can actually link them to a choice article about donating to not for profits and Charities and what to look for, you know inform them and and make sure that they’re fully aware that that you know, this isn’t a scam that is trusted even more importantly because if your campaigns go really really well that sometimes does Fact unfortunately people who may you know, replicate your page. So it is really important to be on top of that as well. And you know make sure that you have the collateral the promotional material that’s going to help you tell the stories and and the budget to do so which we will talk a little bit later on in the the next session. 

– So one of the things that we do need to also be very clear on and decide up front is who won’t we accept money from you know, one of the the models I use which is an environmental scan model is called steeple and it talks about ethics and you know, for for example, you know, a lot of us work with different areas of the community would be an appropriate to partner with, you know a business that may do whatever you know, we saw a lot of environmental groups for example, and a lot of conversation around companies that invest in certain energy. So it is important to decide up front what organisations or businesses you want to accept funds from or you won’t partner with you don’t already have a funding or or partnership policy. You may want to look at that. Does help again you’re enabling this group of volunteers to go out and and to share your message, but we also want to make sure they’re having those conversations with the right groups. The other thing that you can do is you can think about what’s called Network mapping. So this is another example of why tapping into the existing people. You’ve got in your your resource pool can really be beneficial. Let’s put your organisation in the middle of this diagram and this is a mind map basically of all the networks and connections that you may have. So you’ve got members you’ve got perhaps Founders and partners. There’s a there’s a team you’ve got existing donors. You’ve got community that support you that maybe of benefited from from what you’re doing. You’ve got connections and networks into the media and you also may have intergovernment as well. And so some of your funding campaigns may not be so straightforward. You may actually have to do some advocacy and develop a communication plan where you’re actually really building that knowledge around what you’re doing through all of those touch points that you have with your stakeholders. Let’s look at these from a different lens as well. Natalie is a board member as a board member of your organisation actually has a network, you know, I I already have an existing Network that I can tap into. 

– So if you’re going to activate your team be it your staff your team volunteers or your board members, if you’re gonna activate them as fundraisers for you, then that Network mapping is a really great thing to do now. Obviously, we’re not asking for introductions that would be inappropriate. You know, somebody says, oh look, you know, I don’t necessarily want to approach my workplace. Um, that’s fine that it’s not about pushing them to do things that that make them uncomfortable or don’t you know aren’t appropriate but it is about having internet works because again if I put pop that information on or if I send out a message on social, you know, whatever it may be I’m an active fundraising Workforce for you. So that’s a really great way to look at that. Another thing that we need to consider is we need to consider the work that we’re already doing particularly in volunteer organisations where you know volunteer burnout comes into play again that that is with staff as well, you know staff often in our set to go. Well Above and Beyond in terms of time and commitment. So this is about making sure that we’re we’re targeting our resources in the right area now not for profit We’re looking at a matrix. If you jump onto that website of profit sustainability or if you’re interested in this and these will take you take you a little bit further into the tool. But I’ve used these tool in a number of ways even down to an organisation deciding whether they should sustain and survive or whether they should actually merge with an organisation. So it is a really useful process.

– I’ve used this, you know more recently than Arts group for example, and so how you would use this tool we have a A four boxes basically a matrix of four boxes. And in one is is the the variables is depending on the amount of impact versus profitability and that’s what we’re measuring and I’ll give you an example if we’re an aged care facility and we’re running a open day. And you know, we’re encouraging volunteering we’re encouraging donating then this is something that that speaks to our impact but isn’t necessarily profitable an actual Factor costs. So you would put that low on the profitability but you know medium to possibly high on impact particularly if an introduces new sources of donors, if you’re you’re running a fundraising event and it’s actually been really profitable and it’s growing then this is represented by the tree which is, you know, we actually need to you know, all the star which is we need to invest in growing that if it’s an event that takes a lot of resources and a lot of energy and time that might be more the tree, you know working out how to reduce our resources but increase our profitability so actually taking a look at what we’re already doing and where we would actually fit that in that Matrix is a really great idea because it all so helps you And think about well, how could we either improve the impact of our work in that project or program or the profitability? So is this something else that we can do I’ll give you an example. If you’re running an event. Then there are so many people that actually can’t come they’d love to be there but they’re not there, you know, you often get these are you know, I’m gonna wires VP particularly for you know members or or people in the community that want to give there an apology in their apology to be read out so you can actually sell an apology apology ticket, whereby their apologies actually read out or is is made prominent, you know for ministers, for example, that can’t be there that want to share their support that what their name read out. 

-That’s a really great way for them to pay for that privilege. So, you know so all of these thinking about that, you know RSVP. I really want to support you, but I can’t be there, you know, but I’m happy to donate that can be another way that increases profitability. Now, um that is in its simplest tool get volunteers together and work through that. Um, I’ve heel so included in the material I’m not going to go through this today, but I’ve also included in the material and and thinking about a service that’s joined us today. This would actually be a really great thing to do because you can actually do this for your whole organisation and look at where you’re being effective and look at where there are opportunities to increase that impact or profitability and what you’ll end up with is you basically end up with the table that’ll say this is what we do. This is where we think it is. It’s either a star, you know, we need to invest and grow or we need to invest and make sure we sustain or it’s a tree where we need to actually grow our impact and then you’ll come away with the strategy around what your approach to this is going to be and so all of these is really about strengths based and identifying opportunities for what you’re already doing. So some other things that you will do and this is a great exercise between the sessions for you to do for next session is to think about the environment that you’re in to think about those impacts both positive, but potentially negative. We’re all competing for fundraising dollars. So it is about saying how can we develop something that you know, this work helps us with our marketing message and and it’s the difference if I can use a common broadly known Brands. It’s the difference between Coke and Pepsi, you know, so many people that I hear, you know, it’s very personal. So some people will love Coke the taste of Coke and some people will love Pepsi but time and time again, you hear people saying that you know, Pepsi is is not the market brand leader, but you know, they taste better way out by and that’s because Coke is really Really great at marketing and when all said and done when we think about fundraising fundraising is marketing. So it is really important for us to think about these impacts what that means to us.

– And again, what we’re doing is we’re looking for opportunities because how is that going to help us from a competitive position so going through and doing environmental analysis that I’ve included the model that I use which is staple because it does reflect our ethical situation as well. If you haven’t ever undertaken environmental analysis, there’s a great strategic planning video that you will find in the library and it actually goes through the whole process of strategic planning and we dig in a little bit around that competitive positioning so wasn’t enough time, of course to cover it in these sessions, but it would be remissably not to mention it. So so you’ll also find a typical tool that’s used strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats. So again for you to go back and and for you to look at one of the this is covered in the strategic planning resources, one of the useful things about SWOT tools though is to actually use it as a strategic tool and say okay if we’ve identified a strength, how can we leverage that strength to work on this opportunity? That we have now now we’re talking strategy. So you’ve identified that you’ve got a really good solid base of volunteers, but you’ve got an I, you know, you’ve identified an opportunity to either increase their giving or the giving from their referrals to family and friends. So that’s an example of a strategy and that’s how we bring those two together to say. What can we do here the same as our weaknesses if you’ve identified that there is a weakness, but you have this opportunity. I’ll use that same example, you’ve identified that there’s an opportunity to leverage a really great base of supporters, but the weakness is I don’t know how they can help. Great. What’s a strategy? To come up with some really simple clear ways and we’ll show you some examples in session two some really clear ways that you can say to them.

– If you donate X then this is the difference it makes some this is what you’re donating to but also giving them those tools such as you know that email message the bottom of the emails that I mentioned. So a SWAT tool or reverse. What are toes is also what it’s referred to is a really good tool it actually brings your SWAT alive to now we’re actually using this information often. You know, you see a SWAT and it’s like well, okay are we just acknowledging these things? We should be doing more than acknowledging that these things exist. We should be saying how can we actually use our strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats, you know, really strategic way. So doing that for your fundraising is going to be really useful for you Um, we are almost at time I think so the the next series of information that we’ve got for you will cover in the next session but basically oops sorry basically what we’re going into now is we’ve done that thinking about our organisation. We’ve done that thinking about what our goal is and where we are what we’re now going to be getting into is opportunities and why a little bit more about why people give and again, this is a little bit more about that strategy piece. So I will stop the recording now and and we’ll cover this in the second session and we’ll just do a quick Q&A with those who are with us today.

– Hello, everyone Natalie Bramble here for my click to learn. Welcome to developing a fundraising plan part two in part one and the link to that video if you haven’t already seen it and if you’re watching the recording is is underneath Pain part one. We basically talked about the intent of fundraising fundraising itself is quite a role, um, you know, and they’re there a few things that you really need to be clear on and that is about why you’re actually doing fundraising so really recommend that you go on watch that part first or as well before we get started. I would like to acknowledge the First Nations across the the country that we’re on. I’m actually based in we’re actually country and on the clan on the lands of the double garden and will I plan so that’s in dubbo New South Wales. So acknowledge that we’ve got a few States joining us so acknowledge the the different lands that you’re on also I early on in my community life. I got to the pleasure working with some local elders and Community organisations and Aboriginal working party and they taught me so much about Community Development which extends into the work that I do today. 

– So today I am going to go through, you know, we talked in in the first and I’ll just bring this up. We talked in the first presentation about the fundraising planning cycle, and so one of those was setting goals, and then really looking at the assets that you have and the assets. I’m not talking about like physical assets. I’m talking about the wonderful volunteers that you have as well. So the intangible assets as well as the physical assets and thinking about, you know things that you developed. For example, you’re around, you know your logos your marketing messages those sorts of things and I am going to pop in chat as well and I’ll just do this now that we’ve got most of you here, you know pop in chat a workbook that we used when we talked through that so just give me a and here always the challenge when you think it’s you can’t find the folder right when you need it. Here. It is. Wonderful. So the Workshop or the workshop program that we had Is it? Okay I’ll find that in just a sec. It’s not where I thought it was I looked for it early this morning, but I can’t just can’t find at the moment. 

– So pop that in but that that really does give you a basically a process that you can look at identifying what your goals are but it also gives you a bit of a checklist to things to really be clear on about what you already have in the assets you already have so please go on and watch that video. If you haven’t already done it for part one this section. We’re gonna look at what your opportunities are. Um, and then we’re going to have a look at okay, how can you actually develop that into a fundraising plan and action plan? So let’s start off having a look at the opportunities. Part of that is, you know, really about understanding our advantages and why people give now just sorry always issue when you’re on recording and you lose your Zoom controls. Beautiful. There we go. So Let me just share that screen with you. Hi, beautiful. You should be able to see that now coming up. So this is a fundraising planning cycle that we talked about. Look at your goals. Look at your assets look at your opportunities, and and then from that you can develop some really sustainable actions because one of the often one of the things that we do is we don’t recognize the value of what we already have and how we can leverage that. 

– And so that’s some of the things that we talk about in the the first video that we’re all going to be talking about today. So it is important to do that work because that helps you understand the opportunities that you have your advantages that you can actually use. So, you know, I mentioned for example a very simple thing if you’ve got a really great database or volunteers or you’ve got a bank of volunteers, you know, one of the things that you can do is actually give them a little email signature that they can put on all their personal emails. And so that’s an opportunity and it really is about identifying all Those opportunities to leverage your assets and resources. It’s also important to really understand why people will give to you. What is it that is going to motivate giving and so we’re going to look at some statistics and data that helps us understand these broadly and you can use this as a basis because I recognize that, you know, not all of us have the resources to do our own research. So it’s a good starting point, but it is also important to stop and think about who your targeting and why they would give so I’m going to be talking about that and then who are they and how are we going to connect with them? So for those of you that just joined us feel free to pop in chat if you have any questions and as we go through the session, so let’s look at let’s look at some some fundraising data that’s coming out around why people are giving Givers you know definitely people want to give to things that they care about or that they feel like a positive difference in their community. 

– So so what are the top three reasons I give they’re non trust the organisation they say the need and they really want to want to contribute to a better Society or a better Community or in some cases a better world. Um, but trust is one of the key motivators and key drivers, so they need to have trust that they’re actually spending their money their investing or their donating to ride organisation and that’s going to deliver results. So there are some key things that we can do to build trust particularly. This is a particularly important one given the trends around, you know fraud online fraud and what’s happening. You know, look I look like an organisation that’s seeking money, but you find out that actually it’s fraudulent. So it is particularly important particularly. If you’re looking at that online fundraising which is an excellent source for us to expand our Market beyond the people that we know that already know us and trust us, but it is about making sure that we really consider that element and I’ll talk a little bit about trust as it relates to online fundraising as well. So the bottom three reason All give the bottom three reasons are that these are responsibility. So, you know, it’s that whole thing. I don’t want to be pressured or be told that I’m not doing the right thing. Like, you know, that that will just make me turn me off. 

– So saying to somebody that everyone’s responsible to donate and give to a healthy Community or give to this program isn’t something that’s going to trigger a donation the second last reason that I give is a religious faith. Now this relates to General fundraising programs. So if you’re obviously fundraising with your community, then that’s a different story if you’re going out broader to community, but that doesn’t mean for those that are listening to you that to us or that that he on today’s session. That doesn’t mean that that that’s not going that’s going to be a barrier. It’s about how you message it. So for example, and I’ve had this conversation actually the most recent conversation I had with this was an organisation for me locally that I’m doing strategic planning for and we’ll we’ll putting in a Grant application and they started off talking about the organisation and that it was a religious organisation Etc. But I said to them but that’s not why the funders giving money it’s a similar case here. This isn’t why the donor will be inspired to give the donor will be inspired to give because of what you’re doing. So so for those organisations stop Talking about your organisation and this is for everybody as well. It’s a really great principle you talk about what you’re doing in the difference that’s going to make and that’s how you can turn. That you know that unwillingness to support a religious organisation to a willingness to do it because they understand that the program’s going to achieve some really great that great outcomes. 

– And then that again that links to the you know to the second one, which is they can see the need, you know, the second top reason they give they can see the need so so it is about turning that message around and and the final point is that that social pressure now these can certainly happen and and you know, we see a lot of these sharing You know that might be I everyone donate. You know, I’m doing the walk for X cause can you donate to that course? So some will and some won’t and so what this is about is thinking about how this influences your promotion and how you actually market and communicate what you’re doing. So so tell them that you’re a trusted organisation that you deliver results. The way that you can do that is through testimonials through videos on your Facebook page or on your website. Ideally you can talk about How you’re actually achieving results and and some of those case studies so they may not know you and and but it’s your opportunity to build trust. If they don’t know you they’ll go on they’ll either be triggered to donate although go and do research on you and then it’s about how do we make sure that the information we give them helps build trust. Um show them the need what’s the need in the community? You know, what is the need for the project? Why is it so important to get it funded? So all of those elements will help you build that that case for them to go. Yeah. This sounds really good. I’m going to support it. So and here’s the information there and I have provided in that I’ll just go back to that green box. I have provided the link there. 

– So you’ll be able to one and I’ll put all email all the links and they’ll be included as well in the materials under the video. So I will send all of these out and I’ll send the slides out to those that have attended today as well. So you’ve got a copy of those but feel free to you know, take grab your camera and take any photos of any that interests you in particular. So this is just a little bit more information around that and and just a little bit more information about you know, what they look for. Um, but as as we sort of covered the top three and we’ve also covered the bottom three that that one of the things that you you look at when you’re fundraising is you have this conversation about why would people say no like what what is it and it could be, you know, there they’d say no because they don’t see the need or they say no because they think that it’s someone’s pet project because the chair’s been so vocal about it. And so that the reason that you have these conversations is that you have the opportunity then to change the message because changing the message will encourage more people to give the other important thing in the other important element to look at is that that you know practical and emotional connection that we have as diamonds. They even ourselves as donors supporting organisations. And so This is you know from a we look at this in in sections of blockers and enablers. 

– And this was a global Trend in giving report that identified that emotionally, you know people you know, one of the blockers is that they doubt how much money gets through there’s those trust issues. They think there are too many organisations doing the same thing. They’re already supporting someone else. Why should they support another person and if from a more practical perspective, you know personally there are the rising costs, you know, some feel that donation requests are intrusive because there’s a lot of them that some organisations, you know want ongoing commitments and they don’t want to give or it’s a complex process to give you know, I’ve got a click five times to donate you’ve lost me at the second the second mouse click, so they’re more practical elements, but the things that enable so, how is this important? How can we use this information? We if we recognize that these are common things that prevent people from donating we ask what can we do about that? So for example doubting how much money actually gets into the program for a lot of primarily volunteer organisations, if you’ve you can actually talk about and we do this actually with I click to learn as a certified social Enterprise we say to everybody a hundred percent of everything we make goes right back in to delivering on our purpose which is doing sessions like today. Which is providing the library and going above and beyond the you know, the amount of money. I think it’s four dollars a month or whatever it is that that you pay for a library subscription. So that’s something that we do to show them how much money goes into purpose and so for volunteer organisations, you can do the same thing. We’re a volunteer-run organisation everything we make goes into purpose for staff organisations. You can talk about we need staff to make sure the programs are run in the programs or administered and they are monitor to make sure we deliver outcomes and therefore this percentage does go to admin to make sure we’re doing you know, we’re delivering on this big project. 

– So it’s just about really being transparent about that. So that’s an example of how you can use those blockers is think about what the objections might be and this is a good reason why it’s important to talk to other people who are already currently supporting you and even those that aren’t supporting you to ask them. You know, what kind of prevents them from pool Um, and the the other points around some stats out of philanthropy in particular and this is looking at it from a philanthropic perspective because I know some of you definitely you know, Target you might have deductible gift recipient status. So definitely those philanthropic organisations would apply for others. What we’re looking at is we’re looking at mostly the individuals perhaps and the bequests and corporates more than the public private or charitable trusts. So the reason that I included this diagram and I’m just gonna take a note here just to let you know if you don’t already that we do make sure that we apply inclusive learning in our in our material. So when I do a description of what we’re what other people are actually able to see that’s because some people might be listening but also there are you know from an inclusive perspective people with hear With some eyesight impairments just to make sure they can see what we’re looking at. So what we’re looking at is a graph and it’s showing that in 2017, you know, there’s this is in terms of millions of dollars. There was around that 12 nearly 13 millions of dollars in in funding and a good portion of that about four thousand ish was coming from the corporate sector and one of the biggest things that we might be thinking because we’re being told these messages is that you know from covid and the results of covid. It’s really hard to kind of recover from that and and financially it’s been significantly impacted but what this, you know kind of helps show you is covid is in 2020 in the stats are there in 2021 and there is a slight dip as we recover from covid, but if you know if I reflect on the corporate sector because we can all all approach corporates for fundraising and investment if we look at the corporate sector, it actually hasn’t been that much of a shift. There’s still attributing similar amounts of money through Community programs grants fundraising initiative to have sponsorship, you know support that they offer so there has been a decrease of slight decrease but it’s not a significant as you may be told so I thought that was a really useful thing to share. The other thing that’s important to share with you is around the timing of your fundraising campaigns. Um, particularly if you have a deductible gift recipient status, if you’re a charity, you know that end of financial year for Australian organisations is really key. If you’re targeting an organisation that’s based internationally, then the end of calendar year is actually the end of their financial year. 

– So so, you know for those organisations that that in their community that they do have international based organisations as well as Australian based organisations, you’ve got two potential opportunities, you’ve got an end of coming up to the end of financial year as well as coming up to the end of calendar year. So just keep that in mind and and just remember there are a lot of international based organisations out there. I mean look at all your your tool companies for examples, you know, a lot of them now are internationally based. I think our even our biscuit companies are that way as well. So And there are a lot of sort of international companies coming into Australia as well. So the Paul Newman’s Foundation is here in Australia also, so just remember remembering those those approaches to you know, when you’re thinking about when you run your campaigns and that you know, what we’re looking at is a stat from give now which is a donation platform of our community, which if you don’t know about is actually a really great source for you to be able to to use as a donation platform. There are a lot out there and I do have a relationship with our community. So just identifying that but just saying that that I’m going to your own research of course, but you know, certainly um, that’s one of them that you can have a look at as well. So, um, we did talk a little bit about trust and and there are certainly you know, one thing another thing that you could do is that you could link to a choice article on donating to Charities as well. So that can be certainly one of the the ways that you can show trust is to say to the people that are donating, you know, if you’d like to make sure you donating to the right organisation, you know, you can find out more here and it’s kind of like that transparency. 

– It’s you know, when somebody says to you there’s only one option and you’re thinking but what’s the other option that this way you’re letting them know? Hey, we understand that you’re that there’s fraught out there, you know, call it out. We get that. There’s a lot of online fraud, you know pick up the phone. He’s our direct number if you’d like to confirm that we you know, we are real and this is important because if you’re targeting from a fundraising perspective, if you’re targeting members or people that are outside of your normal community. Be being online. It gives you that opportunity to do so then at least you can say to them, you know. If you want to give to us, then you can actually confirm that we are real. I think that’s actually I was watching the news. Was it this morning? Actually, I think that’s one of the recommendations from the the tech person after this Optus, you know, all that data got released from Optus just pick them up and make sure they’re real so I wanted to share that with you because it is important to consider what why people give them what they don’t give Uh, so that that way we can actually make sure our messaging really hits that note. But there are different ways that people can give so we think about these are sort of seven gifts. If you like that others can give to you sure. There’s definitely money, but don’t forget time time from an expert to do something for you or to help you can be as valuable and sometimes more valuable than asking for someone to pay for something. So for example, you know fundraising is a marketing campaign. So to look at it in that context. You could say we’ve got an organisation that that is a marketing organisation. So maybe instead of giving us funds maybe they are able to give us time to do this. I will say to you though that that can be a little tricky. I mean, you know time from volunteers we know there are some great volunteers and there are some some volunteers that need a little bit more encouragement. 

– So sometimes it is actually better to get marketing campaign or a fundraising campaign if you wanted to to go down that path if you needed to get some design work done, sometimes it’s better to get that design work funded rather than ask somebody to contribute their time, you know, sometimes they take a more seriously when when that professional level when a payments involved. So these recognising the pros and cons but gosh there’s a lot of opportunities. So those you know, those companies that I mentioned earlier that you know, you’d like some support from they’ve got marketing teams the communication teams, if you know social media is something that you you kind of struggling with but you want to make sure that you’re communicating your fundraising plan on social media, you know, they’ve got people in their marketing team that are quite expert at that so they could contribute time to help you. Um, and that sort of comes into that expertise as well. The other thing that they can contribute is products, of course, you know, if you one of your fundraising things is running a fundraising event, you know, it might be an auction an online auction or something along those lines. You might want to do a crowdfunding campaign then they can contribute there as well. And another one is information. So you might not give you this example, you might have an existing relationship with a sponsor and they say oh look Natalie. Sorry, we’ve supported your group for a while. We now need to make sure we’re supporting a few others in the community and that’s you know perfectly. Okay completely understand, but maybe they can introduce us to somebody else. That might actually be able to support us.

– So all they can give us some information about how they’re you know, what they’re finding in their conversations. You know, let’s just say it’s a car dealer in conversations with other car dealers about how they want to support Community. I was actually having a conversation this information piece. I was having a conversation and yesterday with somebody that has been talking to an energy company about doing some Community grants but recognises that they also need to be supported with capacity building. So I’m like wow, that’s a really great one. That’s really good information for me to talk about how we can put together a program that supports their community. So bits of information that people can share with you about about what other people are saying about, you know, an environmental group or you know, or a community group or a domestic violence group or whatever. It might be this can help you identify the opportunities the other thing that they can support you with is to be a voice or Real promoting influence. And so for both of these it’s about, you know, being being willing to say hey, I’ve supported arrived donated, you know, it’d be great for you to do that as well, you know to be to be sharing particularly if they’re a really good support to be sharing why they support and the value, you know, all of these elements help to build a really strong campaign for you. So I just wanted to mention those sort of seven ideas. for you to think about so one of the things that we need to make sure that we do when we Market is we don’t want to do what’s called Spray and pray marketing and what we mean by that is we just tell everybody and we hope that it’s someone’s going to listen. And we want to make sure that our messages are communicated clearly and directly to the people that we want to donate and you know, you can certainly just go out and promote what you’re doing and and you know what your fundraising for and what the change that you know, it’s going to deliver. And communicate those positive messages, but you’re going to miss a lot of voices. You’re going to miss a lot of people who may have thought about or may have donated to you but they just didn’t see the relevance. It wasn’t talking to them. I’ll just give you an example of this my husband loves eh Holmes and Holdens in general. 

– So if I saw anything on Facebook about a Holden Club show, I’d stop because I know that interest him. But if but if it was something about maybe a Ford I know he’s not interested. So I wouldn’t tell him about that. So that’s an example of you know, it catches my attention because it’s something I’m interested in or on something. I know someone I care about is interested in and so in order to do that in order to have that make sure that we’re getting those targeted messages. One of the things that we we do is we develop what’s called personas. and so personas and I’ve got a visual image of just different types of people up on screen personas are thinking about people and and it is about grouping people but it’s more personal than that because we want to find out what their interested in we want to find out why they would give to something and what we do is we group them into groups that help identify and I’ll give you an example as talking with somebody in a workshop and I had someone else there there who another rum our female I noticed you had a wedding ring on as I I do as well and and seem to be around my age and I just I just asked a one question before I use the example just to make sure that it was relevant and and I brought her up and so we were standing side by side and I said to the the room if you are marketing to your local community, and this was Was a an open Recreation environmental space and it was actually about fundraising for some more appropriate seating, you know, so that people can stop and spend time and and you know, if they like bird watching they can do that and they can just you know, feel comfortable and and in their community and so we talked about this is an example and I said if you’re going to promote that opportunity to support this open Recreation Parklands some of the messaging you might use is you know, how great is it that your kids can get out and explore nature? And and we can do that. 

– You know, we can we can provide this section or whatever it is. It’s development if we fundraise for x and and everyone’s like yeah, that’s great. That’s great. I said, okay, but the problem is you’ve only got 50% now because you were targeting, you know, you were targeting mothers or parents or carrots, but I’m neither of those so we don’t we have fur babies very have human babies. So so that you know, if I saw something that kids and in nature, I would think oh, that’s nice but it doesn’t motivate me to give it doesn’t motivate me to get involved. Whereas, you know, the other person the one question I asked her was do you have children human children? So yes, you know, I’ve got children. So I said, okay, that’s right. That’s a differentiator. And so that’s only 50% of people that might say the message. So this is the important thing is that what you can do is you can share multiple messages. So for me, for example, you can talk about How great the space is to take a break from technology. You know get back into Nature Center yourself those sorts of things would interest me more than the fact that you know, there is a really lovely children’s area that they can connect nice but it doesn’t motivate me. But this one I might think oh my gosh. Yes, that would be so good. We do need seating there or we do need this there. I’m happy to support it. Does that make sense for everybody that sort of looking at? Yeah, and and this is the beautiful thing about being able to release information about our fundraising goals or our fundraising programs or all the difference that you’re making is that you can do it on demand so you can change those messages if they’re not getting through And you can also do this with your emails and with your newsletters. So for example If you put something in your newsletter, you could use a tracking link and and even if you use something like Survey Monkey it allows you to do this. It’s called split testing. And so what you do is you split test your message and so you could send out something that is if you haven’t got your database already sorted into these, you know, I’ll use this example of this this open Recreation space this nature strip where we’ve got.

– Um, let’s just, you know, call her Jane and Natalie. So Jane is the the person with the children and Natalie is the person without children. So what you could do is you could say if you’re databases already split then you you develop a custom message so that I get that message about, you know, connecting with nature and and the tick right and that giant gets that other message about, you know, the children and the family space, but if you don’t have your database split that way what you would do is you would send out and newsletter and and if you’re using something like that monkey there are other other email providers that do this as well. If you don’t have those email providers you can do this yourself just Make sure you have a tracking link and and look at and you’ll do this also this tracking link through Facebook. So a typical checking link system. I actually use this one. I’ve put it popped it in chat and it tells me it’s free. It tells me how many people click through you know on certain things and so I would include a tracking link on a call to action like donate now and then they would click through. And I would click through and that would tell me if I sent that email out to 50 people and only five people clicked through. Well that message isn’t isn’t really isn’t resonating with them. So maybe I need to send them out something different next time not do the same thing because the same thing obviously isn’t working. So that can be really helpful. Does that make sense to everyone? Yeah, beautiful. All right. So personas are really useful to help identify what it is that they’re interested in and what would support them.

– So one of the the examples that we used in the first group in the first part of this fundraising Workshop was we looked at what a goal was. And so what we’re saying on screen is really just a reinforcement of that and I won’t go into to sort of details really recommend that you do look apart one if you haven’t already but it was around making sure that that I think it was supporting a breakfast program. And so this is an example of how we would then personalise that message but we can also personalise a little bit more so, you know, we could personalise that for those audiences so for me for People who doesn’t have children we would talk about how it’s so important. You know, I’m in Social Enterprise and so for example, if the Chamber of Commerce was supporting your message, you would say from from a local business perspective how important it is to to make sure that we’re building leaders for our community and one of the ways to do that the very essential ways to make sure that children can connect with education and that we’re giving them those opportunities and therefore we’re running a breakfast program. So do you see how that differs to we’ve got Jane who is a parent and already understands and and appreciates the you know, not that I don’t understand appreciate it, but it’s just a different lens. So so it is about making sure that that we personalise at message the other way to make sure that we’re we’re simplifying it and personalising whatever the message is that you’re doing is to people like to give in what we might call nice. tight packages so so by saying to somebody you’re going to pay ten dollars towards something it’s like but what is that supporting in this case? Your $10 is going to sponsor a local child and give them breakfast this week. Like that’s really personal to me people give more money. To people then they give to be things. So it is and you’ve only got to look at one of the things that I really suggest that you do in in this sort of space around around promoting.

– Your fundraising message is go and have a look at what the bigger Charities and not for profits are promoting. And in the message, there’s a reason why they use a single gift and and that has a higher donation right then, you know, they’ll do a single child a family of village and then the issue Because there are different people wanting to give to different solutions. So but the individual for individuals particularly at our in our space where we operate sort of in a local sense people like to know that they’re giving directly to someone that’s helping. Someone doesn’t have to be identified. It’s just about making sure that it’s really more personalised. The other thing is don’t forget the opportunities. We have to share the message because stories stick. So sometimes it’s more useful as a motivator to give people a story that’s personal to someone and it doesn’t, you know, it doesn’t have to be because I recognise that some of us deal with sensitive topics. And so if I use that feeding a child, you wouldn’t, you know, ask a child to do a video that you put on social media, of course, totally inappropriate. But what a volunteer could do is they could share a story about the changes. They’ve seen in the children that are that have gone from not, you know participating in The Breakfast program and all, you know, they could share a story about what they’re hearing from the teachers or the teachers could share a story about you know, when they’ve got a class and they really notice it when the children have been able to access the breakfast program and and what happens 

– And the changes that happen, you know in terms of the education so so think about that because again that really, you know stories are what really connect with us and it really helps us see other lenses and if I use that example of the breakfast program, we’ve got a story from a teacher. We’ve got a story from a volunteer. Um, if there’s a parent or parent that’s happy to do that as well. Great. We’ve got a story from a parental career and we’ve got a story from a sponsor like there’s four stories that you can use to promote and of course see me Stein age. The great thing is you don’t have to do highly produce expensive videos because authenticity Raw videos are actually better received because they’re more fantic. Then these high production, you know, one of the things about high production videos is people like, oh how much that cost. Why didn’t they use that for the breakfast program? So if you are fortunate enough to have somebody sponsor those for you, make sure that that’s upfront. This video has been supplied by X company. So make sure they’re aware that you know, you not using it because that’s definitely a barrier to getting people engaged. So definitely that’s stories are definitely one thing to think about keep them short, you know, two and a half minutes max. If you can do it even shorter than that fantastic little sound bites like 30 second pieces and then also gives you more content to share if you’ve got if you’ve been able to grab someone for three minutes and you’re doing it in, you know, sort of 30 second elements, like tell me one thing about it. Then you’ve got six stories to share rather than a three-minute video. So it’s actually more powerful to do that as well. So just remember who is the hero we are not the hero. We’re not the saviour. all we’re doing is an organisation trying to fundraise is to help who so to help the environment to help people help individuals, you know personalise it to the cause to the issue and to the people so thinking about not just the stories of need but the stories of when it works, what are the success stories such as that teacher noticing the difference and how amazing it is.

– So motivate with that motivating with stories of success and and achievement a more likely to motivate than a story of need. So, you know, make sure that it’s clear why it’s needed of course, but that story of successful, you know, make sure that’s embedded in in what they’re sharing. So that teaches example is a success story because they’re all so but it’s also a need story because they’re all so sharing what happens when the kids don’t access the breakfast program and the difference it makes so that’s an example of how you embed those. Those separately as well. So one of the other things that I wanted to share with you when you think about fundraising is it’s it’s also about thinking about it. I mentioned this little earlier packages, you know, people like packages. What I have in front of you is What’s called the funding pyramid and for a very weird reason my reference my source, um references come off that which is unusual. So sorry about that must be behind the image or something’s got a little bit weird my page number as well. So this I will send you the link. This is actually from mum the UK from the fundraising. Oh might be the fundraising Institute of the UK. I will get that and I will send that out to you for those watching the recording. It’ll already be on on your screen. So you’ll see it. Um, basically how you use this. I know an organisation that raises a million dollars using this this and I know an organisation that uses this for event and raises 35,000 or close to there. So it’s you know, it can be for small but it can be but the great thing about this is it helps break down what you’re doing into achievable chunks. Let’s do this. And and for those of you who are really good at adding things up in your head, feel free to jump in, you know, or I I am not I’m giving me a spreadsheet and I’m fine.

– So, you know, I should have done this a little early but hey, that’s a little fun. So let’s just say we want to raise and I’m just gonna keep it simple to $10,000. So let’s just say we want to raise $10,000. So how does this pyramid help you break that down? Well, we know there are a lot of people, you know, there’s a universe of perspective donors that might donate. Um, so what you could do is you could say okay if and we might actually start from the top so I’ll read the layers and we’ll start from the top. We’ve also got first time givers people that are given the first time in a renewing people that give consistently people that are giving major gifts and planned giving or Wills. So in this case if we say that it’s $10,000 for an event. We’re not likely to go down the plan to giving all the wills. You might be surprised and someone may do that, but from this perspective, we need to get that 10,000 in a lot quicker than than we would you know, in terms of time it takes a lot of time to do plan giving and will so we’re gonna skip that one for this example. We’re gonna go to Major giving so if it’s a 10,000 what does major giving look like? Well that might be 1500 dollars let’s just start with that for some of you. Of course, if you think it’s more you can add more but I’m just gonna say 1500 dollars for a let’s just say a smaller local business. That’s a you know, that’s a considerable ask. So what you could do is say okay if we can get three people giving 1,500 how much have we already raised four and a half thousand dollars? If you made it for people, there’s $6,000 already. So we’ve got let’s go to three. So we’ve got 3,000. Sorry three people getting 1500. That’s four and a half thousand. All right, so we know we need to Target. X number of businesses and you usually do three times as a minimum the number that you want to engage with particularly when it’s at face to face. So we need to sit down and do a hit list of nine and minimum of nine local businesses that might be interested and we’re going to do research on them and we’re going to find out why they might give we’re gonna make sure our messages right and then we’re going to go and talk to them and we don’t talk to them with a oh, we’ve got this project. You should fun.

– We talk to them with, you know, I I can see that you really interested in supporting organisations that do X. You know, I think this is where we can actually work together to deliver this outcome. So that’s the kind of conversation you have with them. So let’s just say that we go to the next level now in this case. It’s talked about consistent donors. It may you know, it’s not about consistency. We’re just using this as a model to break down what you’re doing. So in this case you might say Okay 1500 dollars was was the top level. Let’s say 750 dollars is the next level and then you say all right, how many $750 donations do you think that we may achieve and let’s just say I better not make that 10 because that’s a bit too much things have only got 10,000 dollars. I don’t know. What do we got five? Let’s make it five. And so we now have a few extra thousand dollars and so see how we’re actually starting and our bucket. Seems a little bit easier for people to go out and fundraise and attract money, but we’re starting to break that down into achievable amounts and you can continue breaking that down if we said a hundred and fifty was the next level 150 dollars if we said 25 dollars was the next level and it gives you some targets which is particularly important because there’s there’s something you know, there’s a sales methodology which is called a conversion. Right? And this is important to think about when we thinking about fundraising because it says if you want, you know 100 people to give you 25 dollars, then you at minimum need to find a way to talk to 300 people. So be it your Facebook group the community local Community page Facebook group be it. There’s an event coming up that you can promote you can put something on you know in your your local, you know Cinema if there’s a notice board or whatever it might be. So this is an example of how you can use that and break that down. 

– So what I will do is I will send you a little bit of a campaign plan. So a little bit of a one page that’s going to help you and I’ll talk that through we’re almost all know. We’re about 10 minutes away from finishing up. So I will talk that through For you as well. And I’ll show you that in just a second. So, um, how are we going so far any questions? I’m just gonna check in on chat did have it open but Wonderful. All right. No. Okay great. So you must be enjoying it and delivering what you need because we’ve got what people staying on please. Let me know if there’s any other other questions as we go through we are nearing the end and I said it in about five minutes. I’ll be actually turn the recording off and we can have a chat you can ask questions as well that that you might have specific to your organisation. So we’re up to the take action State we’ve done. Goals and Assets in the first video we’ve looked at opportunities and now we’re saying okay given all that we can now start to think about what do we need to do? So we need to develop what our ask is and that’s our message. Like what is it that we’re communicating remembering and factoring in the different ways people want to give the different motivations and the different people the personas that we’re targeting we need to think about how we’re going to ask them. We’re then gonna have to think about preparing our marketing and communication collateral and and this is basically your Flyers your Facebook ads, you know, those sorts of things prepare them in advance. Um, I talked a little bit earlier about the breakfast program and we had four different stories that we could use. So that’s an example of you would develop for you know, whatever social media you use Instagram to talk all of those other ones, but but I’ll just use Facebook for the purposes of this example. We would develop four. Stories ready to go and and do that work sort of as much as possible up front because when you start the campaign, you’re really trying to make sure that that you’re having you know, you’re not spending time on developing a Facebook story. 

– You’re actually spending time having conversations and encouraging people in the chat to one, you know in the the Facebook thread to actually give and and sharing more information about what you do develop a promotional schedule, you know, some 12 weeks is enough for others three months is really good if you’re purely volunteer organisation, I fundraising campaign every quarter is more than enough for you to manage. It’s also really important for you to look at what you do during the year. So if you’ve got a major event that you’re doing in say October, you know, or actually it is or it is almost Optoma now. Let’s just say that we’re doing a major event in um, April next year. Well, we can actually start to promote that major event in smaller ways through our campaign as well. So it is important when you look at your schedule to factor the other things that you do and how you can bring those those into your communication really important workout who’s doing what who’s responsible because if no one’s responsible now on or not, someone will forget because it didn’t have their name on it. So make sure it’s got a name. Um, make sure you set measurable goals as well to Monitor and adjust. You know if it’s not working, I can’t we need to modify but it’s far better to identify if it’s not working in the in the plan. Then it is at the end to go all that didn’t work. So, you know, make sure that we do that and of course build those relationships know who can help support you Etc. So this is a really great sort of one page campaign plan that I’ll send out as well and for those watching the recording it’s underneath the video and it just a couple of points for things for you to think about. You know, what are you seeking funding for some of this stuff we covered in in the first session.

– So it’s about being really clear. What’s the the amount of your fundraising goal? One of the things that actually does also motivate people is this success and the fact that other people think that it’s a good thing and their donating. So, um, if you know, we talked about that ten thousand dollar amount if you’re at seven and a half thousand dollars or nearly 8,000 we’ve only got another $2,000 to go that message you can change as you go through the campaign to motivate more people to think. Oh, well, that’s all. Yeah. Look. I’ll help them get there. You know, it’s only really, you know, a couple hundred dollars or whatever it is. I’ll do that and I know actually that I’ve done that myself on my oh, yeah, I’ll give you the last 50 dollars. Or whatever it might be. So what you’re going to use the funding for this is going to help with your messaging as I mentioned earlier being really clear about when the campaign starting when it’s going to finish and You know what that Target is so that target comes back down to that pyramid the funding pyramid that I mentioned. 

– So if we’ve got we’ve got a Target we’re targeting nine local businesses. We need three minimum to donate 1500 dollars. That’s what I mean by that Target like being really really clear about what that looks like. And again keep that front of mind and then being really clear about who you’re talking to. So that’s those personas like who is funding you so if it’s a local business we make sure we’re using appropriate terminology and language. It’s gonna interest them versus if it’s someone, you know, let’s just say it’s giant with the children, you know again different language. So being really clear about that as well. um So that’s the the foundation really of you know as a whole lot more. Of course, we could cover let’s look at the time a whole lot more. 

– Of course we could cover in that but all of this information is about getting you to develop your fundraising plan. I’m just gonna jump to a QR code. Now if you wouldn’t mind grabbing your phones out and giving us some feedback while you do that. I am going to find those documents for you. I did have them here earlier. So and this is the the templates. 

– I’ll also share with you the templates that we provided in the first session as well. So you have those two right and and that all that feedback obviously helps us with with providing more information and content for you and I’ll just actually I’ll stop the recording.

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