Buyer Personas

How to target your messages so they connect with the right people

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This is an example of how you may have previously or currently do segment your target markets. So you can see here we’ve looked at the demographics, the socio graphics, where are they located, what are they interested in. There’s a range of different areas that you might consider when you actually group your markets. What I, however, want you to consider, particularly in this digital age of marketing and particularly we need to if you’re not already doing it and I’m sure most of you are, digital marketing. 

It’s actually really critical that we’re not talking to these random groups of people. We’re actually speaking directly to personas. And what are personas? Personas are when you’re talking and communicating directly to an individual, and here’s a list of questions you might ask yourself about your persona, and let me give you an example. If we’re going to promote a family fun day, or a carer service, okay, I’ll use those two examples, so a family fun day, we’ve got personas who are grandparents, or perhaps they’re parents who aren’t live-in parents and they don’t often get to spend time with their child or with their grandchild, so our family fun day, they actually want activities they can do together. But then you might have another group which is parents and full-time carers. And they love the thought of a family activity day. They get to do something with their kids, but they would also like some down time, so they would love the idea of activities that both involve them as well as enable them just to watch instead of actively participate. So we’ve got two different groups. So our messages to these personas are actually going to be very different. 

You know, this one might be about all of these activities that you can join in on, whereas this might be some activities you can join in on, but here’s what we’ve also got for you, and here’s how we’re going to give you a bit of a mini-break whilst your watch your kids participating. So you can see why it’s very important because you only have a couple of seconds to grab someone’s attention online, and if you’re not communicating to them, if the message you’re speaking doesn’t resonate with them, it’s gone Your ad or your Facebook post in the feed is gone. So it’s really important to do that. This links to quite a few things when you think about how you’re going to communicate with them, and that is what are the images that you’re going to use, not just the key marketing messages, so really important that you think about your personas.

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