Assessing and Evaluating Boards And Committees [Course]
It’s essential that all board members take the job seriously and ensure they are working together as an efficient and effective team.
Author by: iClick2Learn
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Course Details
In this quick 15 minute eCourse I’ll take you through the main components to help you develop your assessment and evaluation plan.
We’ll discuss:
- What assessments are and the best time to undertake them
- We will briefly review some of the governance models as well if you wish to use them as your improvement frameworks!
- The 6 main types of assessments boards undertake
- Other information you may want to include in the assessment process
- Some of the types of assessment methods you can use
- We’ll review some of the questions and provide a great 42 point list
- Tips on undertaking the assessment
- How assessments differ from evaluations
- We’ll review an evaluation process, and
- Look at the evaluation criteria.
Course Content
Introduction To The Course
Resources and Downloads
Governance Models
Assessment and Evaluations
Assessment and Evaluation Plan Template
The Purpose
Determine the Methodology
Undertaking the Assessment