Membership Sign Up Page

  1. If you have a discount coupon, locate the grey Discount Code box and add your coupon and then select Apply. The credit card details section will disappear.
  2. Then fill in the required fields marked with the asterisk* below, and check the ‘Terms and Conditions’ box at the bottom.
  3.  Select ‘Submit and Checkout‘ at the bottom of the page.

After you complete the checkout webform, you’ll be automatically redirected to your dashboard to access your courses and content.

You’ll also receive an email with your login details. If you can’t find the email please check your junk folder and whitelist emails from iclick2learn. Don’t forget to securely store your username and password, so you can easily access your hub again later.

We accept:

Visa and Mastercard

Membership Level change

You have selected the Win the Grant membership level.


Congratulations on purchasing the book 'Win the Grant with The Grant Writing System

We want you to increase your chances to Win the Grant and to support you to implement the tools in The Grant Writing System, so we've included an online kit. You'll need your coupon code from inside your book on page xxxii, item 2 to access. Add your discount code from your book in the discount code box below and select 'Apply'. When you add the coupon code, the payment information will be hidden. If you haven't yet purchased the book, you can do so here: Please note: if you are already a member of iClick2Learn learning library, please use a different email address to access this Win the Grant online kit.

The W1nTh3gRnT code has been applied to your order.

The total price is $0.00 today.

Account Information Already have an account? Log in here


Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions

To use our products and services, you (as the licensed user) must agree to our Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy. These terms and conditions form a legally binding agreement between you and iClick2Learn.

In particular, we draw your attention to clauses 2 (Your responsibility); 3 (Your use of site content) 4 (Liability) and 6 (Privacy and data information).

By registering, subscribing or using our website you agree to be legally bound by the Agreement as it may be modified and posted on our website from time to time.

If you have any questions or do not agree with the Terms and Conditions, or our Privacy Policy please contact us in the first instance on 02 6884 4654 and cease usage of our products and services.

These terms and conditions incorporate content authored by Natalie Bramble and content related to 'Win the Grant =With the Grant Writing System'

1.   Our commitment

We agree to provide the products and service in consideration of your relevant membership level and any annual membership fees payable for that level.

2.   Your responsibility

The systems we use to protect your privacy and data are also the systems that are used to allow multiple user log-ins.

You are responsible and must ensure you maintain the privacy and integrity of your account information.

You are not allowed share your account information or details with anyone.

You are not allowed to share our products and service with others, or our paid services including the online library resources or links to premium membership content, without our expressed written permission.

Any sharing without permission is considered a breach of our Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy and may result in us cancelling your account and preventing you from accessing further products and services with us.

To protect our members' personal data, we have introduced limiting the number of active logins from an individual account. This is a similar concept as blocking multiple login attempts to protect against brute force attacks. This means single logins should not be shared at the risk of having blocked access as well as password protection best practices.

Information contained on this website is intended as a guide only. It is not advice.

You are required to comply with the copyright act in the access and use of information we provide on our website. This information is the intellectual property and copyright of its owner. You cannot distribute to others or use for commercial purposes.

You are allowed to adapt the template and share with acknowledgement.

An acceptable acknowledgement is placing the following on the footer of your adapted document.  

© (Year and Your organisation). Adapted with permission from i iClick2Learn: Your not-for-profit guide    

3.   Your use of site content

For the purpose of this Agreement, content means any material published on our website including, without limitation, all text, images and graphics of any nature whatsoever, regardless of whether the copyright and/or database right or any other intellectual property rights in the material owned by us, our licensors, experts or third parties.

You may download and print extracts from the material and make copies of these for your own personal use only. You are not allowed to download or print the material, or extracts from it, in a systematic or regular manner to create a database of all or part of the material appearing on our website.

You must not reproduce any part of the website or the material or transmit it to or store it in any other website or disseminate any part of the material in any other form, unless we have given written permission to do so.

We may be prepared to allow you to distribute or reproduce content in certain circumstances. Please contact us on 02 6884 4654 or email, if you wish to for permission to do so.

4.   Liability

We do not give any warranty as to the availability, accuracy, completeness, currency or reliability of the information, material or third-party information provide to you.  We expressly disclaim to the maximum extent permitted by the law, that all liability for loss or damage resulting from your use of, or reliance on the information provided through our products and services. 

We accept no liability for any indirect or consequential loss or damage, or for any loss of data, profit, revenue or business (whether direct or indirect), however caused, even if foreseeable.

In circumstances where you suffer loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the viewing, use or performance of our website or its contents, we accept no liability for this loss or damage (except where we have been negligent) whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause whether on the part of us or our servants, agents or other person.

If we are liable to you for any reason, our liability will be limited to the amount paid by you for the Service and Products in any year, in the year of claim.

We give no warranties of any kind concerning our website or the material to the fullest extent permissible by law. This includes the reliability, hacking or security provided by third-party sites and links. We accept no responsibility for any infection by virus or other communication or by anything that has destructive properties.

We will do our best to ensure that all materials and information published on our website are accurate, but please note that all materials and information on our website are provided on an "as is" basis.

The limitations and exclusions in this clause do not affect your non-excludable statutory rights and only apply to the extent permitted by the applicable law. You are responsible for ensuring that your computer system meets all relevant technical specifications necessary to use our website

5.   Availability

We will attempt as much as practicable to make our website available at all times. However, we may from time-to-time, be required to our website off-line to update the site or improve the site. We generally schedule these updates in the middle of the night, however this may occur at other times. 

We may amend the Agreement at any time by posting a variation on our website

We reserve the right to bar users from our website, on a permanent or temporary basis at our discretion. Any such user shall be notified and must not then attempt to use our website under any other name or through any other user.

Build in website accessibility

Located on the right-hand side of our website shown visually as a round blue sign with a wheelchair icon, is an Accessibility Button.  This button allows the user to access:

  • Keyboard only navigation
  • A larger cursor
  • Increased contrast
  • Bigger text
  • Desaturation of colour
  • Highlighted links
  • Legible fonts
  • And the option to read the page aloud. 

For more information please see our policy here:

6.   Privacy and data information

In summary, we collect personal identifiable information, and may also ask for sensitive information. We collect this for primary purposes to engage with our products and services, and secondary purposes to evaluate the efficacy of outcomes for programs and organisations who have sponsored your access to this hub. If you have paid less than retail, or you have not paid anything, this generally means you have been sponsored by another organisation, for example local council. As they have subsidised or funded your access, they need to assess the efficacy of this funding. 

You may elect to sign up using a pseudonym so that you cannot be identified / the information cannot be directly attributable to you personally.

You may choose not to accept cookies which track user data. If you decline cookies some website features may not work as a result.

For more details on how we collect, store, use and disclose your information please refer to our Privacy Policy

7.   Financial information:

If you purchase a product or service from us, we may request certain personally identifiable information from you. You may be required to provide contact information (such as name, Email, and postal address) and financial information (such as credit card number, expiration date).

We use this information for billing purposes and to fill your orders. If we have trouble processing an order, we will use this information to contact you.

iClick2Learn uses the Stripe Payment Gateway for its online credit card transactions. Stripe processes online credit card transactions for thousands of Australian merchants, providing a safe and secure means of collecting payments via the Internet.

All online credit card transactions performed on this site using the Stripe gateway are secured payments.

  •           Payments are fully automated with an immediate response.
  •           Your complete credit card number cannot be viewed by iClick2Learn or any outside party.
  •           All transactions are encrypted under AES-256 over HTTPS.
  •           All transaction data is encrypted for storage within Stripes bank-grade data centre, further protecting your credit card data.
  •           Stripe is an authorised third-party processor for all the major Australian banks.
  •           Stripe at no time touches your funds; all monies are directly transferred from your credit card to the merchant account held by iClick2Learn.

For more information about Stripe and online credit card payments, please visit for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we have a 30-day money-back guarantee from the time you receive the goods.

For more information, please see our refunds and returns policy here:

8.   Survival of agreement

The obligations under this agreement will survive termination of this agreement.

This Agreement is made under the jurisdiction of the state of New South Wales.

All laws, by laws and covenants of the state of New South Wales shall apply in both performance and remedies available to either party in the resolution of any dispute in relation to this agreement.

The parties to this agreement agree that any disputes, negotiations and remedies shall be dealt with in accordance with the laws of the state of New South Wales. 

9.   Validity of agreement

If any part of the Agreement is declared invalid or unenforceable by any court or authority of competent jurisdiction (including any provision in which we exclude our liability to you) all other provisions will remain in full force and effect and will not in any way be impaired and the parties will agree a replacement provision which is as close as is legally permissible to the provision found invalid, or unenforceable.

10.  Questions or concerns

For questions or concerns please contact our office on 02 6884 4654 or email

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